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Tension: Berlin insulted Zelensky, why

Assistance to civilians and the army and an investigation into war crimes committed by Russia were the main objectives of the visit of the presidents of Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia to Kyiv.

However, the visit sparked controversy among allies. Berlin has expressed displeasure that the German president has been refused a visit to the Ukrainian capital because of his support for the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline and close relations with Russia back in time.

Ukraine has rejected Bild’s claim that the German president is an unwanted guest in Kyiv. “We respect German politicians and it’s important that they come at the right time. The story is a bit confusing. I don’t know exactly what attempts were made to plan this visit, because four presidents arrived in Kyiv by train today. one more to be uploaded, “said Zelensky’s adviser Sergei Leschenko.

Against the background of diplomacy, the fighting in Mariupol continues. Moscow said more than 1,000 Ukrainian troops had surrendered, but Kyiv said the Azov Battalion was still defending the port city. Its inhabitants describe the experience as real hell.

“All the buildings were destroyed or have potholes, there were dead bodies on the street,” says Anna.

The number of civilian casualties in Mariupol is huge, Ukrainian authorities say.

“According to our estimates, the number of civilian casualties has reached 21,000 in Mariupol. There is evidence that bodies are disappearing from the streets. There are places where they hide bodies and intend to destroy evidence of torture. We call it genocide. We call it war crimes,” he said. Vadim.

The President of Ukraine once again stated that the actions of the Russian troops are terror against civilians.

“Tens of thousands have been killed in the attacked Ukrainian cities. The Russian army is using all kinds of artillery, missiles, bombs, including phosphorus, as well as other banned ammunition, against residential areas and civilian buildings,” he added.

For now, however, the United States cannot confirm reports that Russia has used chemical weapons in Mariupol.

“We can’t confirm anything, I don’t think Ukrainians can either,” said US Secretary of State Anthony Blinkon.

For the first time since the invasion, the US president has officially called the war in Ukraine genocide.

“Your family’s budget, the ability to refuel your tank, none of this should depend on a dictator declaring war and committing genocide on the other side of the world,” Biden said.

The president spoke of rising global energy prices and the desire of more and more countries around the world to reduce their energy dependence on Russia.


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