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Tens of thousands of protesters left for protest march through the center of Amsterdam | Inland

The municipality of Amsterdam has called for no more coming to the demonstration because of crowds. According to the police, there is no indication yet that the demonstration will lead to public disorder, and the one and a half meter rule is not enforced. However, agents are present at the demonstration. The municipality calls on new demonstrators not to come, but emphasizes that the rest of the demonstration can continue “if it remains that friendly”, a spokesperson said.

There is an exuberant, festive atmosphere on Dam Square and loud music. People are close together, with some space here and there between groups of people. Protesters are carrying banners, flags and yellow umbrellas. There are also stickers handed out with the slogan ‘born to be free’ on it.

The atmosphere during the demonstration is friendly, there is singing and people talk to each other. About sixty organizations are participating in the demonstration, with the slogan ‘Together for the Netherlands’, according to initiator Michel Reijinga. In its own words, the group is not only revolting against the measures still in force, they also want to make a statement against “allowance allowances, housing shortages and the Groningen affair.” Forum for Democracy, among others, announces its presence via social media, as well as Belang van Nederland, the party of Wybren van Haga. The organization calls it “the largest demonstration since the introduction of the corona measures.”

“I’m here for just everything together,” says one protester. “Not just anti-corona but they are just trying to take our freedom.”

Ricardo van der Zande, who works in the culture sector, says that he is participating ‘because of the disproportionate measures’ that affect, among other things, the culture and events sector. “All creativity has disappeared from society.”

Secondary education teacher Petra, who prefers not to mention her last name, sees corona as a “smoke screen, behind which the cabinet takes power.” She mentions the demonstration and the Grand Prix of this weekend as an example. “That is allowed, but if I go to school tomorrow we have to wear mouth caps again.” She does not understand this and considers it her responsibility to stop this. “They will continue until we set a limit.”

Reporter Mascha de Jong is present at the demonstration and reports via Twitter.


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