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Tens of Thousands of Lei Feng Actions to Build a Beautiful River East Tianjin Hedong District Launches 2023 Learning from Lei Feng Volunteer Service Activities- China Daily

“Sing the song of voluntary service and practice the spirit of Lei Feng!” On the occasion of the Memorial Day of Learning from Lei Feng on March 5, Hedong District of Tianjin held the “Thousands of Lei Feng Actions to Build a Beautiful Hedong” – the launching ceremony of the 2023 Hedong District Learning from Lei Feng volunteer service activity.

At the event site, the “Six Excellent” honors for the volunteer service of learning from Lei Feng in Hedong District in 2022 were awarded. “The spirit of Lei Feng is ordinary but great, and it inspires generations after generations. Learning from Lei Feng will never be outdated.” Uncle Liu said excitedly, holding the Lei Feng trophy just awarded, “I am dedicated and happy, although I am six years old this year. More than ten, but I will continue to devote myself to voluntary service, be a voluntary party lecturer in the community, and contribute to the construction of beautiful Hedong!”

“Learn from Lei Feng’s good example!” The launching ceremony came to an end with the innocent and loud chorus of young pioneer volunteers. “Lei Feng spirit I will relay!” Volunteer service display and exchange activities were carried out with great anticipation.

“Convenience haircuts, psychological counseling, free health clinics, bazaars for the disabled, publicity on the rule of law, publicity on civilized transportation…I didn’t expect that so many volunteer services can be enjoyed at the doorstep, it is so convenient!” Aunt Wang was accepting volunteer services Finally, I praised the volunteers for their patience, care, and professionalism.

In March, the spring breeze is warm, and there is a strong feeling of Lei Feng. Every corner of the park is full of “volunteer red” figures. The Culture, Literature and Art Volunteer Service Corps presents a colorful “literary feast” to the masses in a form that they like to hear and see. The “Sunset Red” Civilization Guidance Team spreads the concept of civilization by riding a publicity way. The Youth Volunteer Service Team demonstrates the volunteers of the new era through civilized walking. The demeanor of the volunteers… Volunteers gathered together to promote the spirit of Lei Feng by serving the people, and sent warmth and care to the masses with practical actions.

“In recent years, the voluntary service team in Hedong District has grown day by day, civilized practice positions have blossomed everywhere, and the people’s sense of gain and happiness have been further enhanced,” said the responsible comrade of the District Civilization Office, “We will actively implement General Secretary Xi Jinping’s in-depth study The spirit of the important instructions made by the Lei Feng activities enriches and expands the platform of volunteer service activities, makes the activities of learning from Lei Feng integrated into daily life and becomes regular, and makes learning from Lei Feng and striving to be Lei Feng become a common practice in the land of Hedong.” (Yang Cheng, China Daily Tianjin reporter station)

[Responsible editor: Shao Bingqi]

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