This year’s career information day took place on Thursday, November 11th, 2021 at the Theodor-Frank-Schule.
Due to the pandemic, it was therefore carried out in a different or new format. Several well-known companies and institutions from Teningen and the surrounding area such as Graf, Thieme, Trumpf, Schloßcafé Heimbach but also Sick, Braunform, Männer, Schmolck and the police, Sparkasse Freiburg-Nördlicher Breisgau. as well as the Teningen municipal administration, took part and gave the numerous schoolchildren and their family members a good, successful, varied and extremely informative overview of the opportunities, possibilities and career paths the young people had during their training in the form of attractively designed presentations received in the respective company.
The representatives of the companies always mentioned and pointed out which abilities, skills, talents and qualifications the young people should bring with them for the respective training occupation.
After the presentations, there was still enough time and space for any queries and special inquiries for all interested parties.
The echo and response from all those involved in the event was consistently positive and the participants from various sides expressed the wish to hold this form of career information day, which is beneficial for all involved, in the next year as well.
(Press information: Theodor-Frank-Realschule, November 23, 2021)
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