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‘Tenet’, Christopher Nolan uncovers the mystery of the highly anticipated thriller

The title Tenet, palindrome word that comes straight from the Latin riddle, see the famous magic phrase Sator, means to hold up, to lead, and is also the name of the mysterious organization that enlists the protagonist (we will only know him that way) of the equally mysterious film by Christopher Nolan, simply the most awaited blockbuster by fans of the English director and by anyone worried about the fate of world cinema in the hall, starting with exhibitors who, in the event of a positive reception, prepare to leave it on the bill indefinitely. To help them the film conceived as a global espionage thriller with a sci-fi-credible implication linked to the inversion of time and therefore the need to review it several times to understand everything. Reviews are under embargo until 25 August, the day before its release in Italy and in seventy other countries, while the film arrives on 3 September in the United States, in reopened theaters in cities where the pandemic is more under control, but without the core markets of New York and Los Angeles.

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The challenge is great, personal and global. Nolan at the age of fifty delivers his most spectacularly ambitious film and reaffirms his faith in the big screen. While the release dates of other blockbusters fell like skittles, Tenet it remained anchored at the end of July, and then gave way, like a sumo centimeter wrestler, day after day until August 26th.

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now playing ….

Of the story we can stop at what the trailer reveals, which in turn takes most of the images from the first quarter of an hour of the total one hundred and fifty minutes. John David Washington immediately thrown into spectacular action in the Opera House in Chechnya shows an altruistic spirit and is recruited into the Tenet organization to save the world from World War III.

The meeting via zoom with stars and authors marked a decidedly less glamorous and more humanly wrinkled and relaxed era. The magnificent seven of Tenet, I’m Nolan, disheveled tuft and wide jacket also on August 20, the producer wife Emma Thomas, tanned in green linen, the protagonist John David Washington (son of Denzel), charisma, humanity and muscle tone to scream in ethnic cardigan, the handsome adventure companion Robert pattinson, heroin Elizabeth debicki in a Scottish jacket, the very bad one Kenneth Branagh in a blue shirt, flanked by the young composer with delicate features Ludwig Goransson.

photo" id="inline_265144863">'Tenet', Christopher Nolan uncovers the mystery of the highly anticipated thriller

John David Washington

John David Washington wears the role of the Protagonist, the most human agent of the cynical spy story colleagues, who like the audience enters the wonderful and terrible world of Tenet: “My character is guided by faith in general and in particular towards humanity, this guides him on his path “. In the film, the actor, a former sportsman, engages in stunts worthy of Tom Cruise, including “inverted” fights and climbing skyscrapers in Mumbai. “I have problems with height but I didn’t have the courage to tell Nolan, so I threw myself. On the set the training was military, I repeated the actions so many times that my body in the end had a life of its own and it gave a different energy to the character. “

photo" id="inline_265145267">'Tenet', Christopher Nolan uncovers the mystery of the highly anticipated thriller

Robert pattinson

Robert pattinson alongside him with the air of one who enjoys the action: “Mine is such a layered character that complexity eventually becomes something organic, I like his being the only one who reacts calmly and almost enjoys that which for others is hell “. As for working with Nolan he explains that “I admire him so much that I never thought I could work on it. I have a relationship as a fan not as a colleague so when he called me it seemed almost impossible.”

photo" id="inline_265145199">'Tenet', Christopher Nolan uncovers the mystery of the highly anticipated thriller

Elizabeth debicki

Looking forward to seeing you as Lady Diana in The Crown, Elizabeth debicki brings out a female noir character who overcomes her stereotypes “is a character full of nuances and contradictions who also lives in dark places, but knows how to bring out an unsuspected strength and hardness. The desire for freedom from man to guide his actions although she has married, the need to be with her son and in the emotional journey she discovers she has resilience. Before arriving on the set I was full of terror, but Emma and Chris know how to give an atmosphere of great warmth “.

photo" id="inline_265144538">'Tenet', Christopher Nolan uncovers the mystery of the highly anticipated thriller

Elizabeth Debicki e Kenneth Branagh

“Nolan gives you the impression that you are at the center, with your emotional path, even if there are five thousand people around”, he says Kenneth Branagh, cold and terrifying mask. “When I saw the film I was frightened of myself. He is a man who plays fast with his soul and loses it, with consequences that threaten the whole of humanity. He made a pact with the Faustian devil, which grants him this terrifying power but also the curse of an equally terrifying loneliness “.

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