The referee shows a yellow to a rival of Oviedo (DEPORPRESS).
Drafting Deporpress | José Antonio López Toca is the appointed referee to direct the clash next Monday (8:30 p.m., Heliodoro) between CD Tenerife and Girona.
The Cantabrian will meet again with the blue and white after the fourth day of this Smartbank League, in which the team then prepared by Fran Fernández fell (2-0) in Mallorca.
In fact, luck with López Toca is very elusive to the insular, who except for the first time they met (a 0-3 in Avilés, in Second B), they have not won again.. The balance in the Second Division with this referee is two draws and four defeats.
In the VAR room will be Dámaso Arcediano Monescillo.