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Tender Notice: Supervision Coaching Services Framework Agreement – Gard Departmental Council

Publishing department(s): 30
Ad No. 23-45817
Section I: Identification of the buyer
Buyer’s full name:
Gard Departmental Council
Type of National Identification Number:
N° National d’identification :
Ville :
Code Postal :
Grouping of commands:
Publishing department(s): 30
Section 2 : Communication
Direct link to consultation documents:

Internal identifier of the consultation:
Complete Buyer Profile Documents:
Use of means of communication not commonly available:
Contact Name :

Contact email address:
Contact phone number:
+33 466767676
Section 3 : Procedure

Type of procedure:

Open adapted procedure
Conditions of participation :
ability to carry out the professional activity – conditions / means of proof:
Declaration on honor to justify that the candidate does not fall under any of the cases mentioned in articles L2141-1 to L2141-5 and L 2141-7 to L2141-11 of the Public Procurement Code and that he is in good standing at with regard to articles L5212-1 to L5212-11 of the Labor Code concerning the employment of disabled workers. Letter of application and appointment of the representative by its co-contractors (Dc1) The documents relating to the declaration of the individual candidate or the member of the grouping (Dc2) In the event of receivership, a copy of the judgment(s) pronounced to this effect justifying that the candidate has indeed been authorized to continue his activity during the foreseeable period of performance of the contract, or any supporting document stating the benefit of a recovery plan (judgment extract Rcs, extract K-Bis). If the candidate is not in this case, he expressly certifies
economic and financial capacity – conditions / means of proof:
technical and professional capacities – conditions / means of proof:
Declaration indicating the candidate’s average annual workforce and the number of managerial staff for each of the last three years
Purchasing method:
Framework agreement
Deadline date and time for receipt of bids:
26 avril 2023 – 16:00
Presentation of offers by electronic catalog:
Reduction in the number of candidates:
Possibility of allocation without negotiation:
The buyer requires the presentation of variants:
Identification of the categories of buyers involved (if framework agreement):
Buyer(s) authorized to place subsequent contracts or purchase orders
Award criteria:

stated in the Rc
Section 4: Market identification
Contract title:
Supervision Coaching (F)
Code CPV principal
Main descriptor: 79998000
Type of market:

Brief description of the contract:
Framework agreement with minimum and maximum amount executed by issuing purchase orders. Each lot will be the subject of a separate award. The estimated amounts are indicative and include all renewal periods
Main place of performance of the contract:
Nimes 30000 – Nimes
Duration of the contract (in months):
Estimated value (HT):
Value between:
et :
The consultation includes sections:
The consultation provides for a reservation of all or part of the contract:
Allotted market:
Descriptive words: Provision of services
Section 5 : Lots
OBJET : Supervision Coaching (F)
Lot description: 01: Individual supervision. Individual supervision
Additional CPV code(s)
Code CPV principal : 79998000
Estimated value excluding taxes of the lot: 14,400 euros
Place of performance of the lot: 30000 Nîmes
Description du lot : 02 : Supervision collective. Supervision collective
Additional CPV code(s)
Code CPV principal : 79998000
Estimated value excluding taxes of the lot: 36,000 euros
Place of performance of the lot: 30000 Nîmes
Section 6: Additional Information
Compulsory visit:
Other additional information:
Presence of Social and Environmental Clauses (cf. Ccp). The contracting authority may initiate negotiations. The framework agreement is concluded for an initial period of 1 year, from the date of notification of the contract. It may be tacitly renewed until its end. The number of renewal periods is fixed at 3. The duration of each renewal period is 12 months. The maximum duration of the contract, all periods combined, is 4 years. The period of validity of offers is set at 120 days from the deadline for receipt of offers.
Date this notice was sent:
5 avril 2023

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