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Ten months of silence for the troupe of the popular boulevard comedy “Frou-Frou les Bains”



Video length: 3 min.

Article written by

L. Hakim, A. Delcout, L. Calvy, P. Ngankam

France 3

France Televisions

Victim of Covid-19, the successful boulevard comedy “Frou-Frou les Bains”, awarded a Molière for best show, should have resumed in January 2020.

Ten months ago, time stood still for the musical show troupe Frou-Frou les Bains. Previously, every evening, behind the curtain of the Edouard VII theater, in Paris, the burlesque made its return, in song. Frou-Frou, these are the misadventures of a spa treatment deprived of water … But no music, no good humor.

On the evening of March 12, 2020, the troupe was on stage. On the morning of the 13th, everything stopped. “Some did not believe me, among the comedians. They told me : ‘C‘is a joke?’ Because we used to make a few jokes, but no, it was true. It was the cold shower “, confides Patrick Haudecoeur, author, director and actor. It is a blow for this popular play born at the Daunou theater, 20 years ago. The comedy was awarded a Molière as best musical performance. Stopped for good due to the health crisis, the play was still filmed last November, but without an audience.

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