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Ten million cases, 500 thousand deaths and the virus does not give up

The beaches of Chincoteague beach, USA, full despite the pandemic / AFP

The coronavirus did not give up in some of the most populous countries, with another peak in cases in the overwhelming United States and a sustained increase in India, Brazil, Chile and other Latin American nations, the new epicenter of a pandemic that last night exceeded 10 million infected and the 500,000 deaths in the world.

The other side of this critical situation was again shown by the countries of Europe, fully dedicated to the reopening of activities with the summer ahead, although several of them – like Spain – continue to act quickly on new sources of contagion through early detection of cases and the necessary isolation to prevent the spread of the virus.

Spain and Italy in clear improvement

Spain and Italy yesterday showed figures of three and eight deaths respectively from the disease, an encouraging news for two of the countries of the Old Continent most punished by COVID-19.

On the other hand, for the second consecutive day, the United States exceeded its own peak of new infections, with more than 45,000, and remains the country most affected by the pandemic with 2,588,982 cases, while registering outbreaks in the southern and western regions of the country. .

To the south, Mexico also continued to show high figures in the damage count caused by the pandemic, to such an extent that with 25,779 deaths, it has one of the highest mortality rates (12.4%) on the planet.

Mexico, with 127 million inhabitants, is the sixth country in the world in number of deaths. While Peru, which barely exceeds 32 million inhabitants, appears sixth in the category of positive cases: 272,364, closely followed by Chile (20 million population), with 267,766. In the death count, Peru reaches 8,939 and Chile has 5,347.

Peru continues with quarantine

Peru will maintain quarantine in seven of its 25 regions and extend the curfew for the entire territory until July 31, according to a decree published by the government.

In Mexico, on the other hand, tomorrow the capital will open most of its commercial and cultural activities, a situation that will not move to the neighboring State of Mexico due to the strong presence of the virus in that area.

Meanwhile, Chile maintains the quarantine in the most populated cities -with the capital Santiago at the head- but, even when it reports new cases of four thousand, like yesterday, it glimpses that the confinement is beginning to bring decreasing figures, while the The health system managed to respond even to the emergencies of those most affected without having collapsed.

Brazil, the second country in the world in number of cases, with 1,313,667, and deaths, with 57,070, according to the latest official report, announced an agreement with the British pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca and with the University of Oxford, to acquire 100 million dose of the coronavirus vaccine that this university is undergoing, to later produce it in the country thanks to the transfer of technology.

India in trouble

On the other end of the planet, confirmed cases of coronaviruses in India topped 500,000 after the country recorded a record 18,552 in the past 24 hours, prompting authorities to quarantine a state capital of nearly one million. population.

The Ministry of Health also reported 384 deaths in the same period, bringing the total to 15,685 in the second most populous country in the world.

Africa, meanwhile, exceeded 350,000 cases after registering some 50,000 in the last six days, amid a sharp advance in the disease in South Africa, the most affected country on the continent, the African Union (AU) health agency reported. .

The AU Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in Africa reported that new virus infections reached 359,408 in the last 24 hours, but that more than 173,000 people have already recovered from the disease . The continent accumulates 9,283 deaths from the virus.

Within the African panorama, Egypt reopened bars, clubs, gyms, theaters and religious temples, despite being the country on the continent with the most deaths from the disease (2,620).

The authorities of the country, with almost 100 million inhabitants, which is also the second after South Africa with the most cases of coronavirus on the continent, were eager to reopen the economy, hit hard by the paralysis caused by the pandemic.

The relief of the restrictions comes the same day that 1,625 new cases were reported, a figure that brings the total to 62,755 since the first case was detected in February, and 87 new deaths were recorded.

At press time, the world gathered 10,019,570 cases with 500,488 deaths.

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