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Temptation, Elijah is adamant: bitter ending for Pietro. Andrea forgives Anna

Final bet for Temptation Island, which again this year, under the guidance of Filippo Bisciglia, it gave emotions and twists. Among the couples who reached the end of the course: Antonella and Pietro, Manila and Lorenzo and Anna and Andrea. In the 21 days that remained separate, they were able to observe and listen to their partners to make informed decisions about their relationship.

Clash of fire, at the end of the path, between Antonella Elia and Pietro Delle Piane. The two had entered confident of being made for each other. Something, however, went wrong: the showgirl’s tendency to talk aboutex boyfriend Fabiano and the harsh words of the actor towards his partner, they cracked the relationship.

In the comparison bonfire, being both passionate and instinctive the two did not spare each other and let themselves go to insults and mutual accusations. But it was, above all, what made Elijah angry an alleged kiss given by Pietro, evading the cameras, to one of the temptresses.

I didn’t kiss her. I swear. It was me, her and another girl. We just hugged each other. It was an innocent kiss on the cheek. She was really close to me, but I didn’t kiss her.

Peter’s excuses, however, have failed appease anger by Antonella Elia:

You deeply offended me. You made me feel old, ugly, dry.

Only during the last minutes of the confrontation bonfire, Pietro understood the mistakes made and, kneeling in front of Antonella, she said she wanted to go home with her partner:

I told you all those things because it triggered a mechanism that made me lose control. I was wrong and you have to forgive me, please. Give me a chance. Breathe, think: it’s me.

The Elia she was adamant. While declaring that she still loves Pietro, she didn’t want to accept his apology and decided to go home alone. Delle Piane, embittered, could not help but accept the showgirl’s decision.

Back home, however, Pietro tried to regain Antonella’s trust with all his might. Surprising her with small romantic gestures, step by step, he managed to get closer to the heart of his beloved. And, bringing her a bouquet of red roses as a gift, she expressed her feelings with an open heart. The path of Temptation Islandhowever, he left deep wounds and, before forgiving Peter, Elijah wants to take some more time.

The situation between Anna and Andrea is very complicated. In fact, you have, for the whole duration of the program, put in place a strategy to convince her partner to give in to her requests: to marry her and have a son. Important decisions, however, that he is not yet ready to make.

Quite the opposite, Anna’s fake approach to tempting Carlo led Andrea to question her relationship. He thus came to the bonfire with very confused ideas about his future, but with the desire to change permanently the type of relationship established with his partner.

Arrived at the very combative confrontation, Anna said she had done everything to make Andrea suffer and make him understand what he would have felt by losing her. Affirmations that led Filippo Bisciglia to intrude to scold her naturedly:

I can’t see your satisfied face when he says he suffered.

Despite the misunderstandings, Andrea and Anna, understanding that you are in love, they decided to continue fighting for their feelings and to try to overcome the difficulties together.

Manila Nazzaro e Lorenzo Amoruso I’m at a turning point. He, always extremely analytical as regards the stories of his companions, to whom he has provided excellent advice, finds himself, instead, suffering the words of his partner, eager to see concrete steps from his fiancé.

No misunderstanding can scratch a strong feeling: the love of Manila and Lorenzo has triumphed and the two left the program hand in hand, with the desire to live each day and, in the not too distant future, to get married.

Also this edition of Temptation Island has come to an end. The couples will have managed to find all the answers what were they looking for?

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