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Temperate weather and cloudy skies in Buenos Aires: when the rains return

August 16, 2024 – 08:37

According to the extended forecast, no precipitation is expected in the AMBA. The thermometer will be between 8 and 15 degrees.


After a day with “summer” weather with temperatures reaching 20 degrees in the City of Buenos Aires and surroundings, A slight drop in temperature is recorded with a maximum of 15 degrees forecast for this Friday. National Meteorological Service (SMN) did not issue any weather alerts for the day.

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The week is coming to an end with good weather conditions in much of the country. In Buenos Aires, pleasant temperatures are recorded after an extremely cold start.

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What will the weather be like in AMBA?

One step away from the beginning of the weekend, this Friday Partly cloudy skies are forecast, with northeasterly winds turning to the east and temperatures between 8 and 15 degrees. Humidity is recorded at 82%.

cloudy buenos aires.webp

Weekend without sun in the City.

Although the sky will remain overcast for most of the day, the meteorological agency is not forecasting rain. For its part, the Saturday Mostly cloudy skies are expected, with a minimum temperature of 9 degrees and a maximum of 16.

The forecast warns about strong easterly winds during the afternoon, speeds of up to 60 km/h will be recorded.

What will the weather be like on Children’s Day?

The forecast for the Children’s Daywhich is celebrated on the third Sunday of August, foresees a change in weather conditions as a warm front advances from the north, which will combine with a weak cold front coming from the south. This could cause instability in central-eastern Argentina.

As for temperatures, The minimum temperature will be 12 degrees and will rise to 16Similar conditions are expected for the beginning of the week, which will have few sunny moments.

The extended forecast predicts Rains in the City of Buenos Aires and its surroundings starting on Tuesday and could be repeated on Wednesday.

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