Home » today » World » Tempe Crime: They destroyed all the evidence, ignored the xylene – 2024-03-13 03:24:00

Tempe Crime: They destroyed all the evidence, ignored the xylene – 2024-03-13 03:24:00

The Kokotsaki report points to the chemical as responsible for the explosion while the question of why it is found there when its existence has not been officially declared remains unanswered

As Documento has previously written, the State General Chemistry took samples from the crime scene a whole month after the train collision, when every element had been multiply altered and consequently removed from the place of the accident.

Even then, however, xylene and other chemicals are detected “in the b commercial electric machine and not only”, which was not evaluated “in the NTUA number 12 dated dispatch 10-5-2023 transmission sent to Mr. Anakritis” complains V. Kokotsakis and continues: “While in this document silicone oil and its ideal ignition conditions are carefully mentioned and analyzed, the presence is not mentioned and certainly not analyzed of xylene etc. fuel that has already been detected in more than one of the same samples.

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In the next samples taken through the analyzes of the State General Chemistry, the existence of xylene etc. was again established. organic solvents, in samples taken both from the 2nd electric carriage of the commercial (without it being burned) and from most of the samples on personal items”.

It caused the death of several victims

“We note here that due to the poor management-protection and investigation of the site, as well as the total definitive and possibly irreversible destruction of evidence at the site of the investigation (shaping of surfaces, filling of debris, disorderly and speedy without recording of convictions, etc.), the obtained samples, beyond the small number, were not rationally correct and not from critical for research and proof points.

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The detection in many of the samples of the presence of the chemical substance xylene, etc. organic solvents and in the personal belongings of the passengers and victims which were taken 7 months later suggests their contact with the gaseous cloud, which ignited probably caused the death of several of the deceased”.

It is identified with chemical burns

According to the report of V. Kokotsakis “the identification code (identity) of this type (as analyzed by the State General Chemistry) of xylene, Cas 1330-20-7, is identical to the commercial type of xylene, purity up to 95% , a substance which, due to its properties, fulfills all the conditions both for the creation of the bleve effect and for the creation of a gaseous cloud, ignition and pyrosphere. A pyrosphere having such characteristics of intensity-momentum, etc., requires a relatively large amount of pure chemical compound” is pointed out in the report drawn up.

Afterwards, the experts analyze that if the chemical burns and the firefighters’ uniforms had been examined, the chemical substance that caused them would have been determined. The expert on the subject explains: “It (xylene) also meets all the conditions, if not already, with reports of caustic breathing problems and chemical burns (as well as descriptions of their creation) by both firefighters and rescuers. (Here it is pointed out that through the laboratory examination of the burns themselves, but mainly of the firemen’s uniform, the chemical substance that caused their injury could have been easily ascertained, an ascertainment which, in addition to the matters of the investigation, would possibly also help in the assessment safe health development of the sufferers”, while also explaining where xylene can be found commercially.

“This material (wood), in addition to other commercial, etc. applications, is a basic material for the creation of explosives, a property that must be taken into account and taken into account.

The containers in which it is contained in the trade in addition to the barrels for transport can be of 3, 5, 10 liters but also in plastic barrels hermetically closed, with special care to avoid leakage precisely because of its danger and the ease of creating explosive mixtures and all sequence of the above phenomena within fractions of a second”.
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Xylene and the explosion mushroom

An important point of the report is the conclusion about the cause of the explosion and the fire from a video analyzed in the special laboratory of the University of Houston professor Dr. M. Papadakis and his associates. Specifically, video was analyzed from the moment of the collision to 30 milliseconds.

And from this analysis a conclusion is drawn about the existence of xylene which leaked due to a collision from the containers that contained it, formed on contact with atmospheric air a rapidly gaseous explosive mixture and which in a short time came into contact with the fire it had created in the commercial train the electrical discharge.

It was followed by its explosion and the creation of the pyrosphere effect in the forward and right direction with the simultaneous ejection of debris mainly from the commercial train.

Explaining the steps followed, Dr. M. Papadakis states in the disputed report: “The initial processing of the video with the intentional change of the statistical distribution of colors may have removed the silhouettes of the trains before and after the collision, but it also gave a very interesting find. The so-called thermal explosion mushroom is a superheated spherical cloud of burning gas, which expands uniformly in all directions except the highway. However, it is of low density, which allows us to see behind it and have continuous surveillance of the accident site. The time estimate of the sequence of events of the accident is determined based on the number of video frames per second and obtained from the video’s electronic caption.

The method we implemented and developed with our students at the University of Houston is experimental, in the sense that it is not a marketable product at this time.

We have studied and verified its effectiveness with theoretical mathematical research as well as experimentally. Copyright reserved by the US Patent Office.”

The moment of ignition

These are the conclusions reached by Dr. M. Papadakis and his colleagues:

At 30 milliseconds after the collision there is the first electrical discharge from the deflection of the electrical conductors. At 133 milliseconds, a second electrical explosion follows due to drifting of the conductors.

The electrical explosion is completed at 390 milliseconds, while after the collision the gaseous cloud appears, which has not yet ignited and manifests itself low in the trains – mainly in the commercial train – a focus of fire which then ignites creating the pyrosphere effect .

The movement of the phenomenon is front right according to the movement of the commercial train, i.e. towards the tunnels. The passenger train meanwhile, although derailed, continues to move, enters the pyrosphere and ignites.

From the analysis and the frame-by-frame photography, the moment of ignition and ejection of the passenger car at the right end of the shot is depicted as one of the three focal points.

Foci that remained after the completion of the pyrosphere effect and which was one in the center (commercial train on the tracks) left near the retaining wall and the passenger car off the tracks.

The conclusion to which Dr. Papadakis is led is the following: “From the above, it is concluded that the volatile material, with properties of forming an explosive mixture and located on the commercial train at a point after the engines and the 3 platforms of plates (sheet metal) and the which volatile material resembles – if not identical – with the xylene found in the samples with identification code Cas 1330-20-7 purity up to 95% (and with the possible presence of toluol) leaked due to a collision from the containers that contained it, formed coming to contact with atmospheric air rapidly gaseous explosive mixture and which in no time came into contact with the fire created in the commercial train by the electrical discharge.

It was followed by its explosion and the creation of the pyrosphere effect in the forward and right direction with the simultaneous ejection of debris mainly from the commercial train.
Because the trains were now moving almost parallel due to the derailment of part of the passenger train, parts of it came into contact with the center of the pyrosphere, ignited and ended up burning on the slopes.

As the volatile cloud was diluted due to combustion, so its intensity decreased until it disappeared, without excluding its diluted parts that affected survivors both on smell and breathing, but even mixed with other solvents (water) and negatively affected by contact those who directly or indirectly came into contact with him.
However, it is not excluded that as common solvents they were mixed with other substances (oils) and changed their composition”.

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#Tempe #Crime #destroyed #evidence #xylene

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