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Tell me who advises you so I can tell you how you will end up –

/ world today news/ Medicine has proven that some individuals begin to develop senile dementia with age. Political science fails to warn that a long stay in unlimited power leads to managerial insanity.

Can the Prime Minister’s decision to make Prof. Todor Minister of State be determined in another way? Tanev his adviser. Because Borisov decided that a minister incapable of governing at least within the framework of normality would suddenly see the light of day and give sage advice. In the field where he scored a total failure… And what exactly will the professor advise him?

Perhaps he will draw up for the one-book Prime Minister a list of obligatory authors for the enrichment of the general culture. Where (after the beloved Karl May) Daniel Dafoe, Jonathan Swift, Fenimore Cooper, Maine Reid will line up. And others – with a historical contribution to Bulgarian literature. Or a list of works by harmful petty scribblers such as Vazov, Zahari Stoyanov, Paisiy Hilendarski, Botev, Vaptsarov, Smirnensky, Chintulov, who, as this administration has started, sooner or later will be handed over to auto da fe

How did the Prime Minister come up with the idea of ​​attacking the reformist “luminary” (quote B.B.) and “extremely erudite person” (Toi again) that he “couldn’t properly communicate what he was doing in society”. When detailed by Tanev and So. at the very least, it smacks of treason – a gross assault against the national historical memory, against pillars of Bulgarian spirituality, against the past and the future – bordering on malicious betrayal of the motherland.

And how is the fledgling counselor who makes spelling mistakes even as he articulates his eternally confused thought “communicate properly”?

And Borisov – given his lack of education and qualifications – definitely needs a good adviser in the field of education. No communication problems.

Because the watermelon rind (the Russians have a more successful expression – “putting a pig through”), which after much deliberation the reformers put him through with the nomination of Kunevaza educationalist No. 1, will still (if it is realized as an appointment) get on his nerves.

That every appearance of hers – from court lady of Saxe-Coburg-Goth to right (or left as needed) hand of B.B. – reminds us of the definition that Churchill gave to his successor as prime minister, Attlee – “a sheep in sheep’s clothing”.

Until now, education was one of the few public spheres in our country, in which the Brussels bureaucrats did not interfere. They had left her in the hands of homegrown liquidators. Bulgarian education and science have never been of interest to them. On the contrary: the less, the better.

With Kuneva at the helm of enlightenment (from which she takes as much as anything she’s allowed to touch) things can change dramatically. Because Bulgaria has proven to the citizens that it looks at the national interest through the prism of European integration (read assimilation) goals. And no wonder that instead of mediocre teachers appointed by GERB as deputy ministers in the Ministry of Education and Culture, their qualified head and a cohort of close-minded educational impostors act on their own, the curricula are already agreed upon for political correctness and compatibility with European values ​​abroad.

The state of the spirit – as dreamed of in Bulgaria by its brightest minds – is incompatible with Borisov’s state. The prime minister dismissed Tanev, a professor, and took him to the citadel, where whatever he created, the window could be opened and aired. At the moment, he is preparing to trade this key ministerial post with RB, whose personnel list can comfortably fit in those wooden sheds that are usually at the bottom of village yards.

And he thinks he has the situation under control? He is relieved that last Thursday the protesters in front of the parliament who chanted “Borisov – resignation!” (not Tanev, but Borisov!) were less than the police-gendarmerie cordon.

But he didn’t understand that the people (from all over the country) who came out to the squares in Karlovo and Varna showed that there are still Bulgarians here who stand up not for prices and vignettes, for bread and work, but for Spirituality. Equal to freedom. And they will not tolerate without murmuring someone encroaching on our little remaining national pride, on history, on literature, on the future of children.

So B.B. to take and fire the adviser who suggested to him right on the crest of the scandal to beat his chest with the 50 million that he will give to the pensioners on Easter. This time the trick is unlikely to go through. We are still far from the fateful “And in a few days secretly and slowly the people rise to several centuries!” of Grandfather Vazov – the excommunicated from the primer. But the first step has already been taken.

Because – for the information of the prime minister, and also of his new education adviser – “Bulgarian Easter” is not a collection of recipes for lamb, nor is it a presidential fake charity…


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