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Tell me in which province you live and I will tell you what you can do from May 25


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Starting this Monday, all of Spain will advance in the de-escalation and there will be no territory in phase 0. The progress of Madrid, part of Catalonia and all of Castile and León to phase 1 next Monday will cause more than half of the Spanish population is in the first step of the de-escalation, while 47% will be in phase 2.

On May 25, the Community of Madrid, Barcelona, ​​Castilla y León, the Valencian Community, Toledo, Ciudad Real, Albacete, Malaga, Granada, Lleida and Girona will be in phase 1. The Minister of Health, Salvador Illa, has explained that about 25 million people, about 53% of the Spanish population lives in these territories.

After analyzing the requests of the autonomous communities to request the change of phase of their territories, the Government has made public this Friday the new territorial map of de-escalation. Only the Valencian Community has refused to request advancement and opt for prudence before advancing to phase 2.

What can you do in phase 1

In total, 25 million people (53%) will debut or continue in phase 1, which it allows, among other things, the meetings of up to 10 healthy and non-vulnerable people in open and closed places, always maintaining safety distance and hygienic standards; the opening of terraces to 50% and the use of outdoor sports facilities without public to practice sports without contact.

Specifically, people who live in the territories that pass to phase 1 this Monday will be able to carry out social gatherings with a maximum of 10 people, keeping the minimum safety distance and following hygiene guidelines recommended. Yes The minimum safety distance cannot be guaranteed, as it can happen in a home, these precautions should be reinforced with alternative physical protection measures, such as the use of masks.

Further, the time slots are maintained to walk and play sports, but there is the possibility of mobility within the same province.

Respect for bars and restaurants, if in phase zero these establishments could only attend by appointment, now they will have the possibility of opening their terraces at 50% of the tables that are allowed, with a maximum occupancy of 10 people per table.

The opening of hotels and tourist accommodation is also allowed, which may provide catering services only to their hosted clients. But the use of common areas, such as swimming pools, spas, gyms, miniclubs, children’s areas, discotheques or event rooms is not allowed.

Regarding sports activities, in phase 1 the High Performance Centers can open, but only a coach can access with the athletes. And they will open the outdoor sports facilities by appointment. For its part, Sports clubs or Sports Limited Companies may develop training in groups of up to ten athletes.

In the cultural sphere, the venues where cultural events and shows are held only for a third of its capacity and as long as 30 people are not exceeded indoors and 200 outdoors. Museums may also open reducing to one third the capacity of each of its rooms. In all cases, the use of audio guides, booklets or other objects is disabled. Furthermore, sThey will be able to film on sets and private spaces, as well as in public spaces that have the corresponding authorization from the city council and provided that hygienic-sanitary measures are complied with.

The education sector also partially resumes its activity with the reopening of educational centers and university centers for their disinfection, conditioning and for administrative functions. Libraries also reopen for loan and return of works and reading in the room that once consulted will remain fourteen days without being able to be used.

On the other hand, wakes may be attended with a limit of 15 people outdoors or 10 indoors. And a maximum of 15 people is set for burials or cremations in addition to the officiant in the case of funeral rites.

Finally, although at first the government had excluded hunting and sport fishing of Phase 1 of the de-escalation, which allows the non-professional practice of individual sports that do not require contact with third parties. However, after a change yes you can.

What can you do in phase 2

Some 22 million people will be able to enjoy relief measures from this phase. To begin with, the schedules for walks and sports are eliminated, although always within the same province. Travel between territories will have to wait until the “new normal” is reached. And meetings of up to 15 people are allowed in public spaces or homes.

As for the hospitality industry, bars and restaurants will now be able to open the interior of their establishments with a capacity of 40%. It can be consumed inside the premises, making use of the tables and respecting the safety distance. In addition, shopping centers of more than 400 meters with capacity controls may open their doors, but nightclubs and discos will remain closed.

Hotels may also open their common areas, with the same capacity stipulated for restaurants. And the measures for access to libraries, exhibition halls or monuments are made more flexible.

On the other hand, cinemas, theaters and auditoriums reopen with a third of their capacity and pre-assigned seats. If they are closed places, no more than 50 people can meet. Visits to monuments will also begin to be allowed.

Regarding sports activities, in phase 2 Indoor sports facilities and swimming pools open, both at 30% of capacity and by appointment. The use of changing rooms is allowed and you can only train individually or in pairs if the sport does not require contact. The professional teams of the Football League and other sports may train in a “total” way but in groups of maximum 14 people.

They may also open the outdoor pools and sports pools, by appointment and with a maximum capacity of 30%. Cleaning must be carried out at least three times a day and the showers in the changing rooms cannot be used. And bathing and staying on the beaches are allowed.

In the educational field, training centers for extracurricular activities can be opened, such as academies and driving schools.

Regarding other spaces, the capacity for wakes is increased (25 people outdoors and 15 in closed spaces) and in places of worship attendance increases to 50% of capacity. Weddings can also be held with 50% capacity in closed spaces and 100 people outdoors.

In this phase, the Government allows each CCAA authorize visits to residences as long as they do not have confirmed Covid-19 cases or there are residents in quarantine, in which case an appointment must be made and only one person per resident may attend.

Municipalities with less than 10,000 inhabitants

Apart from the relief measures contemplated in phases 1 and 2, the Ministry of Health has published an order this Friday that allows certain relaxation of confinement in municipalities with less than 10,001 inhabitants that do not exceed a population density of 100 inhabitants per square kilometer.

From this Friday, the time slots for walking and playing sports are eliminated, as well as the limit that children go out accompanied by a single adult.

Hotel and restaurant establishments may be opened to the public for consumption on the premises, except for discos and nightlife bars, as well as outdoor terraces, with the appropriate safety and prevention measures.

According to the latest INE data, 90 percent of the municipalities have a population of less than 10,001 inhabitants, and only 20 percent of the population reside there.

Situation by Autonomous Community

Andalusia.- Malaga and Granada joined phase 1 on Monday 18 and remain there for the moment. The rest of the Andalusian provinces (Almería, Córdoba, Cádiz, Huelva, Jaén and Seville), which were in it since the 11th, evolve to phase 2.

Aragon.- In phase 2 from Monday the 25th. The community went to phase 1 on Monday the 11th.

Asturias.- In phase 2 as of Monday the 25th. The Principality went to phase 1 on Monday the 11th.

Baleares.- Ibiza, Menorca and Mallorca go to phase 2 on Monday and join Formentera, so that all the Balearic Islands are already in that phase.

Canary Islands.- All the islands will go to phase 2 next Monday, which includes El Hierro, La Gomera and La Graciosa.

Cantabria.- In phase 2 as of Monday the 25th. It went to phase 1 on Monday the 11th.

Castilla la Mancha- Cuenca and Guadalajara advance to phase 2 as of Monday. Albacete, Toledo and Ciudad Real remain in phase 1.

Castile and Leon.- The entire territory of the community will be in phase 1 from Monday, when adding the provincial capitals to the 68 basic health areas that were since the 18th.

Catalonia.- Lleida, Girona and central Catalonia were in phase 1 from day 18, together with the Alt Penedés and Garraf areas. Now Barcelona and its metropolitan area will join, while the health zones of Camp de Tarragona, Terres de l’Ebre and Alt Pirineu enter phase 2.

Valencian Community.- The entire community remains in phase 1.

Estremadura.- Phase 1 from Monday 11. On Monday it enters phase 2.

Galicia.- Phase 1 from Monday 11. On Monday it enters phase 2.

The Rioja.- Phase 1 from Monday 11. On Monday it enters phase 2.

Madrid’s community.- After two attempts and a lot of political controversy, Madrid will enter phase 1 next Monday.

Murcia.- Phase 1 from Monday 11. On Monday it enters phase 2.

Navarra.- Phase 1 from Monday 11. On Monday it enters phase 2.

Basque Country.- Phase 1 from Monday 11. On Monday it enters phase 2.

Ceuta and melilla.- Phase 1 from Monday 11. On Monday they enter phase 2.

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