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Television shortens life expectancy – naturopathy & naturopathic specialist portal

How does television time affect life expectancy?

Limiting the amount of time spent in front of the television to a maximum of two hours a day, according to a recent study, seems to prevent or at least delay health problems and protect them from premature death.

A research team at the University of Glasgow comes to the conclusion that a limit of two hours a day in front of the television appears to be associated with fewer health problems and a lower risk of premature death. The results were published in the English-language journal “Mayo Clinic Proceedings“Published.

Data from almost 500,000 people were evaluated

Almost 500,000 participants between the ages of 37 and 73 were examined for the study. The investigation was frightened over a period of twelve years, between 2006 and 2018. In the study, only ordinary television was taken into account; viewing videos on a smartphone or tablet was not taken into account.

Cardiovascular diseases and cancer through television?

The researchers wanted to find out how the time spent in front of the television affects health and possible health risks. The health risks associated with screen time included, for example Krebs and cardiovascular diseases. These risks were lowest when the daily television time was two hours or less, the researchers report.

Minimize the time spent watching TV

The results of the study suggest that adults should minimize the time in front of the television, explains the research group. If all participants had limited their television time to two hours a day, an estimated 5.62 percent of all deaths and 7.97 percent of deaths from cardiovascular diseases would have been prevented or at least delayed.

Lots of television and sitting time are unhealthy

The new research results support the previous evidence that too much television and sitting time contribute to poorer health. The study results suggest that limiting television time could delay or prevent many health problems, the researchers explain.

How much time in front of the TV is optimal?

The team reports that it is now too early to be able to make binding recommendations about television time. Further research is needed to understand all factors and to issue appropriate advice and guidelines. For example, snacking or eating sweets and chips and a lower socioeconomic status are associated with both television viewing and poor health.

Which people particularly benefit from less screen time?

The research group also examined the potential benefits of replacing television time with healthier activities such as walks. They found that people benefit most from increased exercise and activity when they typically spend very little time doing healthier activities during the day. (as)

Author and source information

This text corresponds to the requirements of the medical literature, medical guidelines and current studies and has been checked by medical doctors.


  • Hamish M.E. Foster, Frederick K. Ho, Naveed Sattar, Paul Welsh, Jill P. Pell, et al.: Understanding How Much TV is Too Much, in Mayo Clinic Proceedings (veröffentlicht 22.07.2020), Mayo Clinic Proceedings

Important NOTE:
This article contains general information only and should not be used for self-diagnosis or treatment. He can not substitute a visit at the doctor.

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