Coinciding with the celebration of World Television Day, different studies highlight its influence, reach and global relevance in terms of advertising, in addition to its informative leadership and as the first option for entertainment.
Reach, coverage, effectiveness, diversity, credibility, influence, memory and trust are the attributes that make Open Television, once again, an essential support for planning advertising campaigns.
67.4% of Spaniards affirm that Television is the channel where brands generate the most trust among the public, followed by Radio and the Press, according to data from the UTECA Barometer corresponding to 2023, carried out in collaboration with the market research company Sigma Dos and the consulting firm Dos 30 during the month of September. Video sharing platforms and Social Networks occupy the last positions.
In addition, 76% of those surveyed indicate that Television is where they remember advertisements best, with Radio in second position. Likewise, Television leads as the channel where advertisements are most convincing (59.9%).
In terms of notoriety, Television is, for 72.6%, the medium that most helps to make brands known/famous. Television doubles Social Networks, which occupy second position, chosen by 36.2% of those surveyed.
One of the most outstanding elements of Television is its coverage as an advertising medium. The ranking of the advertising measurement company FLUZO, which measures large cross-media campaigns quarterly, reveals that Television contributes 96% of the coverage of the campaigns of the first 20 advertisers (71% is exclusive to Television and 25%, combined with Digital). Pure digital remains at 3.3% of exclusive coverage.
The penetration of Free-to-air Television largely explains its status as an essential channel in the planning of advertising campaigns. According to data from Kantar Media, 93.2% of the population (43 million people) have watched linear television every month so far in 2023. More than 38 million (82.7%) watch television every week.
In terms of consumption, Citizens watch Open Television 181 minutes dailybecoming the most consumed leisure activity, only surpassed by the time dedicated to work and sleeping.
Regarding the values associated with free Television, 93.4% consider that it is a good of general interest, the highest percentage in the historical series of the UTECA Barometer, since 2020. 8 out of 10 agree that it meets a function of social cohesion by being accessible to all audiences.
From the point of view of content, seven out of ten choose Open Television to be informed daily and in the event of an extraordinary event. Diversity and its ability to entertain are equally valued by respondents to the latest UTECA barometer, who cite Television as the channel that most entertains and evades (62.8%) and as the one that offers the most diverse content.
2023-11-22 10:16:17
#Television #channel #brands #generate #trust #Periódico #PublicidAD #Advertising #Commercial #Communication #Marketing #Newspaper