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Telepass, never put it like this again: the payment comes to you twice | Run to move it

Telepass is a very convenient tool for all motorists. Clearly it is more useful for all those who use our motorways very frequently, as it allows the passage through the toll booths without waiting long minutes in queue and then also to make the payment. but be careful because you could still find yourself wasting time if you don’t observe some precautions regarding the assembly of the toll pass…

Especially for those who have recently purchased the toll pass, they will certainly find themselves in the situation of not knowing how to position the device inside the car. This last detail could seem superficial as we are very naively led to think that being electronic devices, they will still be detected by the appropriate sensors. But the reality is different…so how can we avoid any problems?

The instruction manual that comes with the device clearly comes to our aid, which lists the best positions in which to mount the device, and the precautions to be taken to ensure that it always works at 100%. So what exactly should we pay attention to?

First of all, make sure you have carefully cleaned the surface where the appliance is to be applied. You can then proceed to remove the adhesive on the back and fix the device, preferably on the right side of the rear view mirror clearly with the adhesive strip facing the windshield. At this point, just hold it still for a few seconds, until it has adhered perfectly to the surface.

But what could happen if by chance we position the telepass incorrectly? In fact, if we do not follow the instructions and place the device on the dashboard next to the pillars, it may not work. The same also applies to proximity to electric motors or other devices with active magnetic fields.

In the worst case, what could happen to us is that the toll booth sensors do not detect the presence of the Telepass on board the vehicle, and therefore the barrier does not rise. In these situations it is good to remember not to reverse at all as you could risk being charged a second rate. Secondly, it is strictly forbidden by the Art. 175, paragraph 6, of the highway code, the abandonment of the vehicle to ask for assistance. Should you come across this circumstance, do not get out of the vehicle and wait for the service personnel who will take care of the appropriate checks.

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