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Telepass, finally free for 6 months on the motorway: it is very easy to apply

Telepass, with the increases made by the motorway company, has displeased millions of Italians. But from now on, paying much less, you will be able to access Unipol Move

Free motorway Telepass for 6 months – Motori.News

There are many millions of Italians who use the Telepass, when they need to use the highway. The novelty of these last weeks is that after almost 25 years from his departure, the company that manages the Telepass (Atlantia 51 per cent – controlled by Benetton –e Partners Group 49 per cent), will no longer be able to enjoy the regime of absolute and total monopoly, which has seen it enjoy huge benefits with consequent income from fable.

Goodbye Telepass, Unipol Move arrives

According to the regulations addressed to the liberalizationwhich were introduced starting from 2019, thanks to the issue of the European Directive 2019/520and welcomed in Italy last year, the Autostrade Group is required by law and to make room for competition.

So, it’s just a matter of time, after 25 years, every time we get close to a motorway exit, we will no longer see just the writing “Telepass”, but surely there will also be the name of another competitor. For the time being, because it is likely in future others are added.

The company which is about to break the regime di Monopoly of Telepass is the famous insurance company Unipol You know, who has decided to market, a new tool for ‘jump’ the queue at the toll booth. We are talking about the brand new device called Unipol Move.

Motorway Telepass
Telepass Autostradale Motori.news

In a few days the management of the tolls on Italian motorways. Once you get to the motorway exitthere will not be only the writing Telepass to welcome us when we arrive. Why is a competitor of Telepass, which has ten million customers and intends to secure a large slice of that market. We are talking about the Insurance company Unipol Sai, the first in Italy in terms of the number of clients, which is about to enter the motorway toll booths with your appliance Unipol Move.

The newspaper The Corriere della Seraon the occasion of this very important launch, he asked some questions to Giacomo Lovati, chef beyond insurance officer di UnipolSai: “We are the first operator to be certified with the new one European regulations SETthat is, the service of European tele toll. Strengthened by our ten million insurance customers to whom we can offer the product, we entered a market where until yesterday there were no alternatives, as there was only one competitor who avoided the stop at the toll booths. With this new service we are adding another piece to the mobility development plan, also because other services will be included, such as parking on the blue linesaccess to urban ZTL areas, payment of fines, road tax, refueling and use of electric vehicles “.

Service costs

E45 - A14 motorway between Bologna and Imola
E45 – A14 motorway between Bologna and Imola – Motori.news

Unipol Move first of all it can be used by all those people who have one car or motorcycle that has a displacement from 150 cc upward. The cost to use this service is 10 euros, to be paid only once.

Who performs as of now the inscription instead he has this tool available for free for the first six months. From the seventh month onwards you pay one euro for the first device and possibly, if you need a second device, the cost is 50 cents. For owners of company cars instead the cost of the subscription corresponds to 5 euros per month.

The further novelty, extremely interesting for users, is that the Unipol, thanks to the mechanism that will be inserted into the car owned who subscribes, as well as making the overcoming of the motorway exit without queuing up, it will make other closely related services available to use the carsuch as the payment of fines, car tax, passing through i ZTL car parks and even the full of petrol.

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