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Telenet increases part of subscription prices by 1 percent – IT Pro – News

This is an almost annual phenomenon.
They want to keep the profit margin the same per year, so if they have to increase the wages for their staff, it is passed on directly to the customers.
You can almost be sure that Proximus will soon introduce similar price increases.
Orange too, but that’s such a small player on the Belgian market.

I really hope that 4th player comes, for the 5G market. For example, they could also focus on TV/Inet subscriptions.
Telenet & Proximus ‘do not consider it necessary for such an extra player’.

Article+ from Het Nieuwsblad:
It can be heard in the corridors that the file at the Flemish level is difficult at the N-VA and CD&V. Flanders wants to work on the roll-out of 5G as soon as possible, but the fourth player is too much. The Flemish nationalists have good ties with Telenet, which has Flemish roots. Ditto for CD&V, which also provides the chairman for the board of directors of Proximus. And of course the existing players are also against more competition. Their share of the mobile phone pie would fall by 5 to even 40, according to Axon’s report.

Sticks in the wheels
Telecom could be 13% cheaper, but it is unlikely that that will happen: why?
Open VLD MP Maurits Vande Reyde is not pleased with the attitude of the Flemish government. “It just constantly puts a stop to the wheels. However, there is interest in the market for that fourth license,” says the Flemish liberal. Forward is also fully in favor. “All arguments against are actually no arguments, so it becomes clear once again. Now it even appears that a fourth player would make it 350 million euros cheaper for consumers,” says Vooruit’s party leader Melissa Depraetere.

But Wallonia and Brussels are also anything but jumping. There is little chance that the Consultation Committee of the various governments will reach a consensus in the coming weeks. Last week it was decided to let De Sutter’s draft law on 5G and the associated KBs follow their legal path. But when the file comes back on the table afterwards, it will be a very difficult discussion.
By the way, you now also notice that all kinds of articles are being launched, which explain why a 4th player is actually not so ‘opportune’. ‘more radiation, less investments, chance of dismissal of employees and therefore job loss’.
However, one can hope that the Belgian government will finally push that 4th player through. But as you can read the article, there are certain political people left and right being called in by Proximus & Telenet to hopefully block that 4th player.

[Reactie gewijzigd door Qinshi op 11 juni 2021 07:49]

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