Instant messaging application Telegram has increased the price of its Premium subscription, which offers special privileges.
However, Premium, which was previously 13.99 TL, will now be charged at 69.99 TL with a 400 percent increase.
See the information in Shiftdeletere, users who consider subscribing to Telegram Premium will pay the current price.
Existing subscribers will continue with the new price starting from February.
Old price: 13.99 TL
Current (new) price: 69,99 TL
Doubling the limits
1000 pcs group
10 pinned messages
Getting 20 public links in the form of
Save 400 GIFs
Save 19 stickers
Character limit in bio: 140
2048 character description for photos and videos you upload
20 chat folders to be more organized
Adding 200 chats to a folder
Using 4 Telegram accounts saved in different phone numbers from one phone
Animated emojis.