In an announcement published this Friday (30), the Telegram released a series of new features for users of the app. The main ones are the ability to include up to 1,000 people in a video call, sending video messages and the ability to share your screen. smartphone during a video call.
In addition to these features, Telegram also announced a series of small improvements to the service, such as animated emojis for Android, automatically deleting content after a month and greater precision in drawing on images, with the possibility to adjust the brush thickness.
Up to 1,000 people in the video call, but there’s a catch
What stands out most about the Telegram updates is the possibility of having up to 1,000 people in a video call. However, in order not to become a mess, only 30 can actively participate – the rest remain as a spectator of what is going on. O WhatsApp, in comparison, allows the participation of up to 8 people.