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Telegram has new features. One of them avoids spoilers – Apps

Telegram closes the year with an update that integrates some new features into the app. One of the new features is the integration of a translation function, which can be activated in the app’s settings.

Once this option is activated, users will see and activate a button for translation, which will appear in the menu. The number of languages ​​available depends on the operating system. The novelty is now available for all Android smartphones. On iOS it is only supported on devices with OS version 15 or higher.

Another novelty is the possibility to hide text to avoid spoilers. When someone sees a movie, or the end of a series, before their friends and can’t stand to be left without telling them about it, they can write and activate the spoiler format, so that the message is hidden and only appears in chat or notifications. When the interlocutors are ready, they click on the text that has the spoiler and the message is visible.

The application also makes it easier to react to messages, with a new iMessages style. If the user clicks on a message twice, it sends a pre-configured reaction, which can be changed by tapping on the message as well. In private chats this feature is always available, in group chats administrators can decide which reactions can be used by members.

Telegram users can also generate QR codes from any profile, group or channel with a public username. Each user can find their own code in the settings.

This year, Telegram had already added some important new features to the application, such as the possibility of making group video calls, or blocking the possibility of those who participate in group chats taking screenshots and saving shared content.

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