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Telegram and WhatsApp social networks burn: the war between the ‘apps’ is unleashed | Lifestyle

Last May 15, Saturday, was an important day. Not because half of Spain left to visit the other half taking advantage of the fact that the state of alarm has gone down in history, but on the screens of our smartphones. Place where a new battle began around apps courier because of these new conditions of use of WhatsApp that include a whole series of changes in the privacy of some of the chats.

In addition, it is known to all that because of the communication error made by WhatsApp last January, alternatives such as Telegram and Signal exponentially multiplied their number of users, So before the arrival of that May 15, everyone had prepared a good arsenal of attacks against their rivals. And what seemed like a simple joke … ended up as you are going to see now in a (virtual) World War.

Telegram publishes, WhatsApp responds

What the messaging application founded by Pável Dúrov did was nothing other than, a day before, on Friday, May 14, publish a curious image with the evolution of the trash icon Windows (in its different versions) over the last 25 years to, ultimately, indicate a somewhat modified version in which both the WhatsApp and Facebook logos could be seen. A clear “throw them away” message.

Faced with such a communication, the person in charge of social networks (or any other superior) of WhatsApp decided to consider himself alluded to and in direct response to that image of the bins, he published another message that read “Telegram Administrator” … and what people don’t know is that we are not end-to-end encrypted by default‘”. Zasca ?! Well, not so much if we consider that the response from Facebook is one of the many hoaxes that run around these apps and its alleged privacy flaws because, on paper, Telegram does have this type of protection in its messages.

Of course, what the Telegram CM could not bear is to respond, with an also forceful message and denying the previous accusation: “Our users know how things work and have open source applications to TEST IT. You … the screenshot speaks for itself […] and says you are lying “, in reference to a text in which can read that messages are encrypted point to point and no one, even WhatsApp, can read them.

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