Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder’s Revenge update is now live and adds custom gameplay options, retro-themed filters and more
publisher Dotemu [81 articles]” href=”https://www.gematsu.com/companies/focus-entertainment/dotemu” rel=”noopener”>dotmo And developer Tribute Gmaes has it flexible New update for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder’s Revenge [9 articles]href=”https://www.gematsu.com/games/teenage-mutant-ninja-turtles-shredders-revenge” rel=”noopener”>Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Revenge of the Pufferfishwhich adds custom gameplay options, retro-themed filters, and more.
Get the full patch notes below.
New features
- Chaos – New Arcade Mode is here: Custom Gameplay! Just like in reality Arcade [19 articles]” href=”https://www.gematsu.com/genres/arcade” rel=”noopener”>ممر DEVICE: Customize your gaming experience with DIP switches: free play, super old school attacks, faster enemies, no more taunts and more! You can see the customization in the dedicated game lobby. Progress and achievement unlocks are disabled in custom games.
- on the World Wide Web – In the character select menu, the host can now set the maximum number of players in the lobby.
- graphics – Added cool filters: CRT (regular or curved) and VCR! Check them out in the options list.
- Chaos
- Fixed a rare crash in arcade mode when changing difficulty.
- Cars can no longer deal critical damage when the player is considered armored (ex: Heavy Swing Charge).
- Fixed bosses sometimes fail to hit a player at the top or bottom of the level.
- Fixed bosses are sometimes frozen after being hit by Raphael’s super attack.
- Fixed player score when switching characters not being saved after proceeding.
- Fixed April’s Super Flying attack sometimes reviving KO’d enemies.
- Fixed reviving a KOed player near the transition point (ex: escalators in Crystal Palace Mall) sometimes blocking progression.
- Fixed the timer being refreshed for special cases (ex: Infinite Ninja Power) on KO or in a scene.
- on the World Wide Web
- Guest players can now rejoin the same hosted game.
- Entrance
- Static input is not evaluated correctly when choosing between Backflip or Roundoff when turning.
- lists
- Fixed a rare soft lock that would occur on the world map if the user completed stage 8 after completing stage 10.
- Chaos
- Tant now only fills the first Ninja Power bar.
- We no longer remove all stacked Ninja Power bars upon KO on Cold difficulty.
- Making a roll now grants immunity to the player.
- Added more HUD feedback when attempting to perform a Super Attack without enough Ninja Power.
- Many small animation changes have been made to all bosses, often to make attacks easier to read.
- Fixed collision detection in dirt pits that are too wide and too deep.
- Decreased the number of enemies that spawn during Zorex flight and species recurrence. Zorax also has slightly lower health when facing multiple players.
- Now the Mouse King plays Pied Piper less often.
- The Super Shredder’s combat has been improved in many small ways to smooth out the speed and some damage values have been improved. His punch is now used more frequently and more effectively. suck bro!
- Improved the speed of the Statue of Tyranny and improved some damage values.
- Mother Mouser has a new bite animation to distinguish between a charging bite and an inactive bite, to give players time to react.
- Mouser Model 3 and Mother Mouser now run a little faster.
- Radical Mode damage multiplier is now applied to all throws, Super Dive Attack, and Charged Heavy Swing.
- Fixed players sometimes frequently falling off screen when respawning, at specific locations.
- on the World Wide Web
- Added a refresh button to the research menu in the lobby.
- We have improved the way arcade scores are calculated: we now calculate each player individually, even if they leave the game.
- Position
- Some sentences in Spanish, French and German have been corrected or improved.
- lists
- The game will remember if the gameplay has been seen before, separately in Story and Arcade modes as they are different.
- Improved prompts for resetting story and character progression.
- The delay list in arcade mode now shows the total play time.
- Vapor
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Revenge of the Pufferfish Available now for PlayStation 5, PS4 [24,427 articles]” href=”https://www.gematsu.com/platforms/playstation/ps4″ rel=”noopener”>PlayStation 4AND Xbox One [11,727 articles]” href=”https://www.gematsu.com/platforms/xbox/xbox-one” rel=”noopener”>جهاز Xbox OneAND Switch [12,770 articles]” href=”https://www.gematsu.com/platforms/nintendo/switch” rel=”noopener”>يُحوّلAND pc [16,581 articles]” href=”https://www.gematsu.com/platforms/pc” rel=”noopener”>حاسب Of Vapor.
View a new set of screenshots in the gallery.

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