I tell you what awaits usfor the weekend.hope: a fight costs himlife to a teenager, everythingIt happened inside the van.ictor: it happened in barclayscenter, en downtown brooklyn.There is Ana Patriciacandiani to count the acerecent.Ana Patricia: Good afternoon.victory hope. is astory we shouldn’t tellhave to tell, but I knowrepeat over and over again.this was what happened last nightbehind my back.an 18 year old loseslife after a violent eventin the subway.it was inside a train carapproached this stationfourth avenue and streetpeaceful.According to the report, everything started withan argument with a man,of which has not been revealedthe agents attended aemergency call at11:29 p.m. on Thursday.when they arrived at the stationsubway, encontraronalteenager stabbedthe stomachpassed away later in thehospital.face transportpublic already for i isoverwhelming.>> i still don’t know peoplethat is around me.ana patricia: data from theNew York police indicate thatcrimes and deaths in thepublic transport have decreasedso far this year incomparison with 2022.However, it is not enoughfor those who use thepublic transport.why does it keep happening?who are responsible?we ask users.>> there’s not much security here.a lot of things happen.>> we have to know where it isour security, but thepeople also have to beresponsible too.to ana patricia: the person in chargewhat happened last night, whattriggered his deathyoung man, it was an argumentamong the traveling groupsin that train car.íctor: it’s a real crimeworrying because it isthe lives of our youth.according to the authorities, it is acriminal method that has comeon the risewhat do you know about that?ana patricia: the forces oforder were giving data ofthat crime has gone down.what concerns tocymens involved withadolescents, has increased by 2%In relation to last year, Ifirst 3 months of this 2023.so there is great concern