At 14, Annie Holland dreamed of becoming a singer and looked forward to her music lessons.
The innocent teenager had no idea that her teacher, Matthew Bell, was using their rehearsal sessions as a pretext to seduce her.
After gaining her trust, Mr Bell, now 32, abused the teenager for two years.
Now 25, the young woman from Dorset comes out of anonymity to denounce her attacker.
During his assaults, Mr. Bell would force Annie to wear her school uniform.
He made her suffer her most twisted fantasies.
The then 22-year-old pedophile also used ropes to tie up the teenager for hours.
On November 28, 2022, Mr. Bell was sentenced to nine years and two months in prison.
After this conviction, Annie courageously waived her right to anonymity.
She wishes to share her story in order to raise awareness among victims.
“For many years I blamed myself for everything that happened,” she told The Sun on Sunday.
“Today I know I was a vulnerable child, whereas Matthew was an adult and in a position of trust,” she added.
“I want others to know that it is never okay for someone that old to take advantage of a young girl. I promise you that we will believe you and that justice will prevail, ”she finally assured.
2023-06-11 23:33:14
#dreamed #singer #teacher #abuser