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Técou. Future multicultural space: work is progressing

Very attached to the life of the village of Técou, the mayor Jean-François Baulès has initiated several projects contributing to this objective and some of which have already emerged, such as the renovation of the youth center and the development of ‘a subdivision project in the village.

Other projects are in progress, such as that of the future multicultural area of ​​Técounais, whose work is well advanced. It is in this sense that on Saturday March 6, Jean-François Baulès, in the presence of his deputies and municipal councilors, invited the presidents of the village associations for a guided tour of this space which will also be at their disposal for their future. demonstrations.

More accessible and adapted to the public, this new space located below the village will be better suited to the organization of events of all kinds. With Lac de la Maurelle as a backdrop, which will be redeveloped, this space will allow a new cultural offer such as concerts, recitals or other shows and will participate in the dynamic desired by the municipal team. “This project among others to come, in particular” 1000 Cafés “, will stimulate and revitalize the life of the village”, underlined Clément Thouy, president of the Técounaise Entente of friends and parents of the school.

Seniors on the march

The walkers of the Seniors’ Club have resumed their activity under the leadership of President Alain Pezet, on Tuesday and Thursday, from 9:30 am to 11:30 am. The departure is from the chapel of Nay. So that this reunion remains a convivial and sympathetic moment, the barrier gestures and the wearing of the mask are obligatory. In groups of 6 to 8 people, this activity is open to all members.

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