Home » today » World » Technological horror: Beijing’s finger is on the control knob – 2024-08-07 00:20:22

Technological horror: Beijing’s finger is on the control knob – 2024-08-07 00:20:22

/ world today news/ There was a funny story that went around almost the whole world: South Korean physicists craved the laurels of British scientists and shocked everyone with the announcement of a big breakthrough to a brighter future. The geniuses at the Center for Quantum Energy Research (CEC) have published two papers that they have created a material that retains the properties of a superconductor at normal atmospheric pressure and a temperature of 125 degrees Celsius. Previously, superconductivity required powerful refrigeration units.

And this is not just a breakthrough, this is the way to a wonderful new world – electrical appliances will hardly heat up, trains will fly above the ground on magnetic pillows. Computer technology, medicine, etc. – everything is rushing towards a new global industrial revolution. Not splitting the atom, but something close.

An atom? There is no invention that gloomy minds do not perceive as a weapon against bad states. In the case against China, which has become the world technological leader instead of the US. And there were shouts: ours (that is, the South Koreans) are leading us to victory in the world confrontation.

Further articles about the breakthrough began to be studied by specialists who began to wonder. The formulas look strange, the explanations of the phenomenon are incomprehensible, at all – but is this a fake? The Koreans, by the way, removed the post themselves.

And then Chinese scientists from Huangzhong University of Science and Technology responded. Last week they published not an article, but a video on the same topic – about levitating magnets, and the Chinese magnet turned out to be more levitating than the South Korean one. And this time, no one is saying it’s fake. After that, scientists will delve into it, especially the teams from Russia and the US states, where research on this topic is also being conducted.

So far, the dry residue of this story is that oft-mentioned reflex called “Over with you Chinese, the world will be ours now”. The Beijing “Global Times” magazine commented on this in the following way: What kind of approach do you have – to perceive scientific and technological achievements depending on “in which camp” they were achieved? Better imagine that superconductivity will actually be achieved, then many things that countries and people are now fighting for will lose their meaning. Technology can render geopolitical disputes meaningless.

But no: now the battle for technology is precisely the battle between “them” and “us”. And no one in recent days has excelled in it like, imagine, the British scientists.

The story goes like this: Professor Jim Saker of the Hartford Automotive Institute told his compatriots that Chinese cars sold in the country could pose serious security problems for the kingdom. Because suddenly they can be turned off remotely – with the push of a button somewhere in Beijing, and the British do not have the technical capabilities to prevent this. And then the horror on Britain’s roads will begin. Just imagine, James Bond is rushing somewhere in a Chinese car, fleeing from pursuit, and someone’s hand in Beijing presses a button. And the horror movie begins.

Chinese humor is not often demonstrated, so specialists from Beijing quite seriously began to remind what is happening to the English car industry. Namely: in the past year, its production volume has decreased by 9.8%, falling to the level of 1956. And if you count from 2019, then this unfortunate auto industry is down by 40.5%. And besides, there are import competitors. So it’s understandable why the Isles need horror stories about Beijing’s hand on the button.

We can recall how a few years ago the West started a battle to ensure that its subordinate countries would not under any circumstances install Chinese equipment for 5G communications. Why? Because then in Beijing the same button can be pressed at any moment. But other countries acquire Chinese equipment, knowing full well who is the leader in this field.

What could this technological battle lead to? For example, to the point that non-Western countries will receive better and cheaper equipment from Western countries. With all the resulting consequences in the form of increasing backwardness of the West.

Translation: V. Sergeev

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