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Technical table prohibits family visits and establishes new measures

A technical panel of the Government headed by the Mayor Roberto Erpel met this Sunday in virtual form to make a detailed review of the measures that have so far been applied to face the outbreak of covid-19 that affects the Arica Penitentiary Complex (quebrada de Acha) and also establish a series of new health strategies oriented to better address the case.

The meeting also had the participation of the government officials, Víctor Hugo Sepúlveda; Health, Beatriz Chávez; Justice and Human Rights, Raúl Gil; Chief of National Defense in the region, Brigadier General Guillermo Altamirano; Director of the Arica Health Service, Dr. Magdalena Gardilcic; Regional Director of Onemi, Franz Schmauck; in addition to the headquarters of the Police, PDI and Gendarmerie.

The mayor pointed out that it is essential “to transmit the tranquility that the case deserves to the relatives of the inmates, because the Government has adopted all the necessary measures to safeguard the health of those who are serving sentences and also of the Gendarmerie personnel. Nothing is more important than that ”.

He also said that he received “a very complete report on the situation in the prison, where a sanitary containment has been carried out in accordance with the protocols of the Ministry of Health. All the cases detected so far have been asymptomatic, without complications, except for one person who is under medical observation at the hospital and who we hope will soon improve ”.


The meeting agreed on the following immediate measures:

-The continuity of the epidemiological monitoring of the prison, through antigen testing with a nasopharyngeal swab sample, by the Seremi de Salud teams. This work was carried out on Friday and Saturday in all the modules of the enclosure, with a diagnostic technique that allows results in just 30 minutes. This guarantees immediate traceability, identification of close contacts and fast isolation.

-The immediate suspension of visits by relatives of inmates and lawyers to the prison. Except in very justified cases.

-The in-depth sanitation of the prison facilities by the Fire Department.

-The disinfection by the Gendarmerie of all parcels that enter the premises.

-Immediate support to the Gendarmerie with Army health personnel.

-The delivery of masks and alcohol gel in large quantities from Onemi. In this sense, the Golden Omega company promised to donate 640 liters of alcohol gel.

-The reinforcement of self-care measures in Gendarmerie officials, through educators from the Health Squads of the Seremi de Salud.

-The delivery of timely information on the health status of inmates to their families, through the different communication channels available to the Gendarmerie.


The previous measures are in addition to others that have already been carried out:

-The application of PCR tests and preventive quarantines of 14 days to each new inmate who enters the prison.

-The installation of water tanks and sinks in all the patios of the modules and complex in general.

-Change of toilets, sinks and sewerage network in all cells as part of a project financed with regional funds.

-The enabling of isolation modules for positive and preventive cases.

-Daily sanitization with quaternary ammonium and chlorine of common spaces, modules and cells.

-The delivery of safety implements, such as masks, alcohol gel, KN95 masks, among others.


There are already 705 people vaccinated against covid-19 among Gendarmerie officials and external service providers. The process is expected to resume shortly with the internal population that today is negative for the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

Until February of this year, no positive covid case had been registered in the Arica prison, while monthly Active Case Search (BAC) operations were carried out on the entire prison population and Gendarmerie officials.

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