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Technical Problems Cut Short Keen’V Concert in Marmande, Leaving Fans Disappointed

“With each song, the light, the sound system and the microphone went out for about three minutes”, regretted the singer.

A few songs and then leaves. The Keen’V concert was cut short on Friday in Marmande (Lot-et-Garonne). The artist stopped his show due to repeated technical problems, angering some of the spectators.

This concert, free, was organized by the city of Marmande on the plain of Filhole known to welcome each beginning of summer Garorock, one of the biggest festivals of France.

The interpreter of I would like too much and Outété, in full promotion of his eleventh album, Equilibre, explained the reasons for his hasty departure from the stage.

“We were forced to stop the show at the time of ‘Ne pars pas’. It’s almost at the start of the show since it’s the fifth title”, regrets the singer on his Instagram account.

“I am sad and as disappointed as you”

The problem is that “with each piece, the light, the sound system and the microphone went out for about three minutes. The first time we said to ourselves: ‘Well, it happens’. But at the fifth cut, we decided to leave, “he continues. “I’m sad and as disappointed as you. We’ve been on the road, I wanted to find the public of Marmande.”

Among the thousands of spectators present on Friday evening, some did not fail to express their disappointment, especially since the concert of the group Fly’In Pop which preceded that of Keen’V went off without a hitch.

“Great initiative to have organized this free concert in Marmande. Very unfortunate that all of this is marred by technical problems”, commented a user on the Facebook page of the city of Marmande. “From the Filhole to the fiasco, Marmande is having an unpleasant evening, to the rhythm of criticism and various misunderstandings… Really a shame!” Sums up another.

2023-07-22 15:08:45
#KeenV #concert #Marmande #turns #fiasco #singer #leaves #stage #songs

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