Home » today » Business » Technical Deadlines and Fractional Variations: Recordati Shines in the Last Session of the Week – FTSEMib, FTSE Italia All Share, Bitcoin, and More

Technical Deadlines and Fractional Variations: Recordati Shines in the Last Session of the Week – FTSEMib, FTSE Italia All Share, Bitcoin, and More

Today is the day of technical deadlines; the option contracts on shares and indices dated July 2023 have come to an end. Brilliant session for Recordati

The major indices of Borsa Italiana and the main European financial centers register fractional variations in the last session of the week. Today is day of technical deadlines; the option contracts on shares and indices dated July 2023 have come to an end.

At 16.55 the FTSEMib it was up 0.12% to 28,850 points, after fluctuating between a low of 28,800 points and a high of 28,920 points. At the same time the FTSE Italia All Share earned 0.09%. Minus sign, instead, for the FTSE Italia Mid Cap (-0.19%) and for the FTSE Italia Star (-0,41%).

Il bitcoin it remains under 30,000 dollars (just under 27,000 euros).

Lo spread Btp-Bund remains below 165 points, with the yield of the ten-year BTP which approached 4.05%.

L’euro it is confirmed below 1.115 dollars.

remember records an increase of 4.94% to 45.29 euros. The pharmaceutical company announced an agreement with GSK to commercialize Avodart (dutasteride) Combodart/Duodart (dutasteride/tamsulosin) in 21 countries, mainly in Europe, excluding those where GSK already has distribution agreements in place. The operation is expected to be fully accretive from 2024, contributing 10-20 million euros of revenues and a positive EBITDA in 2023.

Still sales up STMwhich records a decrease of 1.61%.

At Euronext Growth Milan, Portobello’s drop stands out (-7.02% to 18.55 euros). The company has announced that it has received notification of a preventive seizure decree issued by the Public Prosecutor’s Office at the ordinary court of Milan concerning sums of money on relationships entered into with credit institutions operating with the company. The seizure relates to total sums of 9.75 million euros. Portobello specified that it will request the revocation of the seizure order. Furthermore, the company does not see any significant effects on its business operations from the measure.

2023-07-21 14:57:00
#Mixed #indices #Piazza #Affari #FTSEMib #resists #positive

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