TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – Twitter become a fun place to find inspiration, participate in conversations to find new hobbies. However, this excitement often makes users too comfortable so they are careless in maintaining privacy and security in cyberspace.
Pengalaman menggunakan Twitter akan lebih nyaman jika setiap orang tetap waspada dan menjalankan langkah-langkah dalam meningkatkan keamanan. Berikut enam tips teknologi yang dapat diikuti pengguna untuk menjaga keamanan akunnya:
1. Pakai kata sandi unik
Pastikan Anda membuat kata sandi yang kuat dengan menggunakan minimum 10 karakter yang merupakan kombinasi huruf besar, huruf kecil, angka, dan simbol. Andan juga disarankan menggunakan kata sandi yang berbeda untuk tiap situs web yang dikunjungi.
Also, consider using software to manage passwords that can securely store all information. Additionally, you can select Password reset protection in Account settings.
2. Enable two-factor authentication
Two-factor authentication is an added layer to your account and ensures that only you can access your account. Remember, outside of you, only people who have access to your password and mobile number (or security key) can log into your account.
As of late June 2021, you have the option to use a security key as the only form of two-factor authentication. This is the most effective way to keep your Twitter account secure.
3. Make sure to log in to the official Twitter site
Phishing will always snoop for personal information if people visit fake sites. Display web phishing which is similar to the Twitter login page is very vulnerable to trick users.
Twitter also recommends that you double-check any links you open, either from email or Direct Messages, before providing your personal data including passwords. Change your password as soon as possible if hit phishing.
4. Be wary of those who name Twitter
Always be alert if someone claiming to be a Twitter representative contacts you and asks for personal data. Keep in mind, Twitter never asks users to provide passwords via email, Direct Message, or reply.
Do not open attachments or links if you receive a message to install any software, as it is not from Twitter.
5. Watch out for suspicious warnings
Twitter will send notifications via email or push notifications if it detects suspicious activity or when you log into your Twitter account from a new device for the first time. These notifications usually include a location that is an approximate IP address used to access Twitter.
Through this notification, you can verify if you are actually logged in through the device. Otherwise, it is recommended to follow the steps listed in the notification to secure your account, starting with changing the password.
6. Check Twitter link
As a place of conversation, people in Twitter many share interesting information, and many share links to other sites, either via Tweets or Direct Messages. If you see a link using a URL shortener, such as bit.ly or TinyURL, make sure you check the direction of the link before you open it.
And it is recommended to use a free plug-in from Chrome or Firefox to show the extended URL without having to click it first.
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