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“Teatro Tapalpa 2021”, laboratory to develop artistic creativity

In 2000, El Juguetero emerged, a creative nucleus that in 2004 brought a comprehensive artistic proposal to the municipality of Tapalpa. And now it comes with a project called “Teatro Tapalpa 2021” to revive the territory of the Magic Town, working with 18 actors from Tapalpa, eight local children and five creators from Jalisco who, through knowledge modules, will provoke a dialogue to recover the memory, both of the project itself, and of the premises.

The professionals in charge of the modules are: the chronicler David Izazaga, the painter Sandra Carvajal and the creators Natasha Barba, Aristeo Mora and Dolores Tapia, who takes the baton of the laboratory.

“Teatro Tapalpa 2021” is an independent project that is carried out thanks to the support of PECDA-FONCA 2021 in the category of “Creator with a Career” (Dolores Tapia) and “Community Theater” (Teatro Tapalpa 2021).

In an interview with EL INFORMADOR, Dolores Tapia, tells the details of this laboratory that will provoke scenic reflection, through the chronicle, the new theatricalities, the body and the language of abstract art. “El Juguetero proposes itself as a creative cell that articulates the language of Aristeo, Sandra and Natasha, as well as David’s methodology, to provoke reflection in the territory, and through these questions, reach October with a presentation.”

So, there are two stages, the first is this laboratory and ending the summer, at the end of August or the beginning of September, a final product will be built where the public will be the spectator. In other words, the participants will be working with each of the professionals to get involved in that presentation that will be held in the Pueblo Mágico.

With the activities underway since April, it was on Tuesday June 22 when the actors started working with David Izazaga through the methodology of the chronicle.

Dolores recalled that children are not in these processes, they will be given a face-to-face workshop: “David works with them in a virtual way and then he launches into territory to give shape to these products, to these narratives and chronicles that they have already begun. to take out”. This module that David teaches is called “Archeology”.

Then, these results obtained will pass into the hands of Natasha Barba, “who in a kind of body reflection is going to put them on stage to see what happens, this second module is called ‘Body and irrigation’, then whatever comes out, goes at the hands of Sandra Carvajal, who is going to explore through the language of plastic arts ”, this module is called“ making birth out of the fissure ”. “For Sandra, the subject of visual arts is very corporal”, shares Dolores.

In the last module of reflection on knowledge, entitled “Theatricalities” participates Aristeo Mora, founder of the Optional Company, a project that works in alliance with El Juguetero as well as the initiatives: The Lame Egg and Germinate. “As consultants, we will have meetings after each module, because the great job is to put together (the project). Aristeo has a very nice word, where we are all ‘accompanying’ each other, this is not a project by Dolores where I brought them together, we are in creative alliances because we believe that the world needs them, we come from a pandemic that changed everything and generated territory it is about knowledge, talking horizontally and walking together ”.

They grow in networks

CHRONICLE METHODOLOGY. In a virtual way, David Izazaga is sowing among the participants the ideas that will become a physical experience. COURTESY

On the Facebook of El Juguetero, some content will be published so that the audience can see the development of the project.

In addition, Dolores shares that THE INFORMER will collaborate with the publication of a fanzine that gives a testimonial account of the entire process.



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