Home » today » Entertainment » Teatro Benevivere will host the “Mujer Bierzo 2022” award ceremony on Thursday 24 November

Teatro Benevivere will host the “Mujer Bierzo 2022” award ceremony on Thursday 24 November

Organized by The Digital Bierzowithin its goal of Active participation in projects and actions that give visibility to our land and its people, sets in motion the “BIERZO 4.0 WOMAN AWARD” with which to showcase and enhance the work of women in our region over the years.


For this reason, Awards are established that recognize Women who have distinguished themselves and distinguish themselves in different areas of our Region.

For the selection of candidates we had the participation of several Municipalities of Bierzo who have expressed interest in the project, each proposing their own candidates for the different categories, which presupposes at the same time a recognition and valorisation of the different municipalities with respect to their neighboring proposals.

At the end of the submission period, 15 applications were received from as many Municipalities of the Region, which were the protagonists of various reports made over the course of these months, which can be followed at the following link https://www.elbierzodigital.com/tag/premios-mujer-bierzo-2022

On November 14, the jury met, made up of: Beatriz Escudero, Carmen Doel, Javier Morán, Silvino Abella, Carmen Rodríguez, Carolina López, Vetania López, Concepción Fernández and Alejandro García to select the 6 candidates who, for some reason or a other stand out above the rest in the following categories:

– Enterprising woman

-Recognition of social work

– Recognition for passing

-Recognition of human values

-Recognition of a lifetime

-Special Recognition


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