Home » today » Entertainment » Tears in my eyes, Isabelle Morini-Bosc looks back on her 3 rape attempts: “The last one was 4 years ago and it lasted for more than two and a half hours”

Tears in my eyes, Isabelle Morini-Bosc looks back on her 3 rape attempts: “The last one was 4 years ago and it lasted for more than two and a half hours”

Monday evening, Isabelle Morini-Bosc had revealed to have been victim of three attempts of rape. Last night, in “Do not touch my post” Cyril Hanouna returned his revelations, and the columnist gave details on the last time she was confronted with these terrible things, and surprised it was only 4 years ago years. Isabelle Morini-Bosc told how she was attacked and that she found herself held by an individual for two and a half hours, also explaining how when she got home, she rushed in the shower but refused to wear complaint…
An overwhelming testimony, the tears of the journalist angry with social networks who also accused her of being an accomplice of the rapes because she supported the film by Roman Polanski “J’accuse”.

Watch this moving extract

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