Home » Sport » Team Jonk Wins Emergency Arbitration Case Against FC Volendam; Mudslinging and Controversy Emerge

Team Jonk Wins Emergency Arbitration Case Against FC Volendam; Mudslinging and Controversy Emerge

Feb 7, 2024 at 11:54 PM Update: an hour ago

‘Team Jonk’ is the provisional winner of the emergency arbitration case that FC Volendam had initiated against former director Wim Jonk and former coach Matthias Kohler. The Eredivisieist found that the two had terminated their contracts in December without observing the notice period.

FC Volendam demanded compensation of tens of thousands of euros, but the club had to repay the collected salaries of Jonk and Kohler. The main judgment in this case is expected to follow shortly.

Technical manager Jonk, training director Ruben Jongkind, technical director Jasper van Leeuwen and coach Kohler showed their solidarity with the dismissed chairman Jan Smit on December 1. They signed a statement with the headline “We are resigning from FC Volendam. We are going to resign from FC Volendam”.

The committee in Zeist ruled that FC Volendam should have checked what exactly the statement entailed. Kamp-Jonk emphasized during the case that there was no question of (direct) termination of the contracts.

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Supervisory Board Volendam about Jan Smit’s phone call: ‘He said: it is war’

Lots of mudslinging in arbitration case

During the case, emotions occasionally ran high and there was frequent mud-slinging. For example, Jonk became angry because he was portrayed as a money-grabber. “Lies have been spoken about me in the village in the past. It is suggested about me: he pockets 500,000 euros,” he quotes. NH News.

“This kind of manipulation makes me angry. For three years I was one of the worst paid coaches in the Kitchen Champion Division. Kohler is the worst paid trainer in the Eredivisie. We do it for the passion. I don’t like victimhood. But we are damaged on all sides.”

According to Steven Palm, FC Volendam’s lawyer, it was not easy working with ‘Team Jonk’. “As a board, we were often confronted with threats if we did not adhere to Team Jonk’s demands. This was, for example, about the transfer of Henk Veerman. Team Jonk threatened to resign if we did not share their vision.”

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EredivisieWim JonkFC VolendamFootball
2024-02-07 22:54:00
#Team #Jonk #provisional #winner #emotional #arbitration #case #Volendam #NU.nl

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