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Team Austria helps | Neighborhood help

Please indicate the type of help required.

Simply enter your details, we will look for a Team Austria member in your area and, if possible, network you within 24 hours. (If you enter the details for relatives who need urgent care, we will contact the person directly).

Perhaps we will find a solution in the Austria team for your special problem that requires helping hands or other qualifications. Tell us your request, we will get back to you within 24 hours.

DANGER: The voluntary helpers of Team Austria CANNOT AFFORD, for example, help in time-critical emergencies, care assistance, cleaning work in apartments, relocations; generally jobs and services that firms can do; medical activities and the like – we ask for your understanding.

Because TALKING is good for you and helps and neighbors often stand together and just talk to each other: In the Austria team, all your neighbors are your neighbors – and if you don’t have anyone to talk to, we will find someone with whom you can share all your thoughts on the phone who just calls you and asks: “How are you?”

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