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Teachers’ wages will rise from the first of January – Dunakanyar Region

According to the government’s decision, teacher salaries will increase by an average of 32.2 percent on January 1, 2024, the Ministry of the Interior told MTI on Friday.

According to the ministry’s information, the salary of new interns will rise to HUF 528,800 compared to the HUF 400,000 fixed for 2023 in the law on the new career path of teachers, and other teachers cannot earn less than this. The government decreed that the funds necessary for the payment of the increased wages in February should also be provided to the maintainers of state, church and private institutions at the expense of the central budget, they added.

According to their description, the procedures for teacher certification and institutional supervision are also being re-regulated, which is necessary because, in order to reduce the administrative burden, teacher supervision and institutional head supervision will be abolished, and according to the new rules, teacher qualification will also become voluntary, the practical time required for advancement and decreases significantly.

According to the new wage bands applicable from January 1, the monthly salary of a teacher is HUF 538,000 in the case of teacher I. classification, and HUF 2,000 for teacher II. category, no less than 555,000 forints, 630,000 forints for master pedagogues, and 750,000 forints for research teachers, they said.

The Ministry of the Interior’s proposal would recognize the existence of a master’s degree by an additional two percent, and professional qualifications in the fields of mathematics, digital culture, natural sciences, physics, chemistry, biology, and geography by an additional four percent for teachers teaching these subjects, the Ministry of the Interior wrote in its announcement.

Front page photo: Minister of the Interior Sándor Pintér at his hearing at the meeting of the Culture Committee of the Parliament in the Klebelsberg Kunó Hall of the Parliament on December 4, 2023. Next to him is Bence Rétvári, Parliamentary State Secretary of the Ministry of the Interior (b) and Zoltán Maruzsa, State Secretary for Public Education. Photo source: MTI Photo/Attila Kovács

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