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Teachers’ strike: unions call for mobilization on Wednesday and Thursday

While last Thursday, in Chartres, the National Education strike brought together nearly 580 demonstrators, the inter-union CGT Éduc’action 28 and Sud Éducation 28 are calling for mobilization tomorrow and Thursday, as part of a new movement national.

“The measures announced by Jean-Michel Blanquer after the January 13 strike are crumbs. It is one more step in the government’s contempt for our profession, ”denounces Laure Apcher, departmental secretary of the CGT.

premium Strike of January 13: after the announcements of Jean-Michel Blanquer, the unions of Eure-et-Loir are waiting for action

“Nothing has changed in the life of schools since last week. »

Laure Apcher (departmental secretary of the CGT Educ’action)

Tomorrow, a first action “Sanitary barter” will be organized, at 3 p.m., before the Academic Inspectorate of Chartres. “We invite all our colleagues to bring back their used masks that National Education asks us to wash, to recover the real FFP2 masks that we are still waiting for”, insists Thibaut Lemière, co-secretary of Sud Education 28.

Strike in National Education: 560 to 580 people demonstrated in Chartres

Thursday, January 20, the gathering is scheduled for 12:30 p.m., always before the Academic Inspectorate. “We want to keep the pressure on,” continues Thibaut Lemière. “We are calling on our colleagues to come dressed in vacation clothes (the Mediapart information site revealed on Monday January 17 that Jean-Michel Blanquer had announced the health protocol for the start of the school year in January while he was on vacation in Ibiza, Ed). »

Jean-Michel Blanquer “regrets the symbolism” of his vacation in Ibiza

” It does not mean anything “

In addition to requests for suitable protection (FFP2 masks and air purifiers), salary increases and a postponement of anticipated baccalaureate tests, the unions are still calling for the immediate recruitment of staff to meet the needs.

But the recall of retired teachers is an aberration according to the trade unions.

“With three million unemployed in France, calling the most vulnerable population and exposing it to so many risks of contamination makes no sense. »

Laure apcher (departmental secretary of the CGT Educ’action)

“Asking retired staff to come back to work is not normal. This clearly shows the difficulty of this profession”, continues Thibaut Lemière.

Covid-19: meeting with a retired teacher who has returned to service in a school in Luisant

CGT Éduc’action 28 and Sud Éducation 28 called, as of Saturday January 15, on the other trade union organizations in the department (FSU, FO, Unsa) as well as the Federation of parent-teacher councils (FCPE) to join the mobilization.

“All forces will be welcome,” concludes Thibaut Lemière.

Laura Alliche

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