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Teachers speak of ″ absurd ″ guidelines on reopening schools

Fenprof considers that the guidelines of the Ministry of Education for the reopening of schools to high school students reveal “irresponsibility” and present “absurd” proposals on how to keep students inside classrooms in between.

The Ministry of Education sent to schools on Tuesday two documents with guidelines on how to resume classroom classes for 11th and 12th grade students, who are due to return to schools on May 18, afterwards of almost two months with distance learning.

The National Teachers Federation (Fenprof) criticized the government today for having sent the documents to schools without having previously had any dialogue with union organizations, taking into account that many of the measures involve the work and schedule of teachers and other employees .

The guiding documents state that there can only be one student per table and, if necessary, classes can be divided into two rooms, which will mean having more teachers available.

Speaking to Lusa, Fenprof’s secretary general, Mário Nogueira, criticized the tutelage for “shaking responsibilities to schools that he should assume in a health protocol” and for there being “pedagogical aspects that are not taken care of, further aggravating inequalities. that the current situation produces “.

The teachers’ representative also warned of some health issues that he classified as “absurd”, such as that which provides for the maintenance of students inside classrooms during breaks.

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