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Teacher’s Last Homework: “Please Become Happy”

A teacher in Japan wrote the last homework for his class before dying. (Picture / Reposted from Twitter)

Perhaps for this teacher, even if he is about to pass away due to illness, the most worrying thing is the students in the class. Recently, a picture circulated on the Internet, which pointed out that a teacher who is about to pass away wrote the final homework for the students on the blackboard, asking the students to “be happy”, which caused many netizens to move and cry.

The Facebook fan group “Kato Jun Taiwan Fan Group 2.0” recently posted a meme. In the picture is a blackboard full of words. The beginning of the blackboard reads “Final homework, due date: none”. And the title of this homework is “Please become happy”.

From the text on the left, we can see that the teacher wrote, “When you hand in your homework, I will probably already be in the kingdom of heaven, so don’t rush to hand in your homework, just take your time.” Then the teacher said Turn around and say, “When we can meet someday, please let me hear “I’m living a happy life”, I’ll wait for you.”

According to investigation, the photo of this blackboard was first recorded in Japan in 2013.TwitterIt was circulated on the Internet, and was later reported by “soranews24”, which specializes in reporting Japanese Internet news, so it became widely known. However, there is no information about which school and teacher this blackboard writing actually came from. We only know that this blackboard writing was written by a middle school teacher in Osaka.

After seeing this post, many netizens commented, “The teacher also hopes that the students will not decide to go to the teacher early (self-destruction) just because they are unhappy, or be more careful and live longer in health and happiness.” “, “The teacher gave a lifelong homework”, and some netizens even joked that “the editor must have changed, the style has completely changed in the past two days, I can’t stand so many onions.”

It is worth mentioning that after the blackboard writing was exposed, it was not only widely circulated in Japan, but also received a considerable degree of discussion in European and American countries.And OsakaUtashima Elementary SchoolAfter seeing this post, a teacher used the same method to give the students who participated in the graduation ceremony the “final homework”. They also asked the students to pursue happiness, and there was also no deadline for the deadline, but the teacher hoped that the students would do it The goal is not only to make oneself happy, but also to take actions to make the people of Utashima, my hometown, happy too. The teacher also said, “It may be difficult, but I really hope that students can keep trying and find the answer that suits them best.”

A teacher at Utashima Elementary School in Osaka also used the same method to give graduate students “final homework”. (Picture / Taken from the official website of Gedao Elementary School)

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2023-04-29 06:39:15

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