Vilma Tarazona explains.
I did not come back.
Vilma: Alice is one of the
hundred of county teachers
of broward with conditions of
health that they were forced to
return to classrooms in order
from the school superintendent.
she says that puts her in danger
contracting covid19.
He took me out of the ambulance
several times.
I said that more than five times
through the 20 years that
I’ve been working there.
vilma: the superintendent says
that 27% of the students are
attending the classrooms.
aspires 40% to do so.
that is why he needs everyone
teachers in classrooms.
the teachers union
rejected that order and filed a
we search with the demand
give teachers that
they asked for lasa as he did,
the teachers who are in their
home teaching, teachers
who have diseases, who
they are sensibly dedicated
of health so that they continue
teaching online classes
from the house.
Vilma: Schools are not a
source of spread of the virus,
they hold.
she thinks otherwise.
someone says if one goes
to a restaurant.
If I go they will only be there for 25
minutes or an hour, it’s very
different that is sitting
in a classroom for seven
hours and a half in front of
Vilma: teachers complain
that being workers
essential, they are not considered
among the first to receive
the vaccine.
teachers should have
priority to receive the
Vilma: The Teachers Union
broward hopes that the