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Teachers Express Concerns Over AI’s Impact on Senior Cycle Reforms

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Senior Cycle Advisory Report – NCCA
The Senior Cycle Review: Advisory Report sets out a ⁢clear ​purpose and vision for a redeveloped senior cycle and provides a roadmap to the​ creation of a Framework for Senior Cycle. This work⁣ will continue​ to be underpinned by direct ‍engagement with stakeholders and schools. The Advisory Report is ⁣set out in four chapters.


PDF Senior Cycle⁣ Redevelopment

  • Senior cycle key ⁣competencies
  • Additional assessment​ components
  • Greater level⁣ of⁤ scaffolding​ of learning outcomes

A redeveloped Senior Cycle will focus more⁢ on our⁤ young‍ people’s key competencies. NCCA listened to teachers,⁣ students, parents, and others during​ the review of ‌senior‌ cycle. Manny of them emphasized that who you are ⁤is as critically important as what you know.


Senior Cycle Redevelopment ​- NCCA
Senior ⁢Cycle is being‌ redeveloped following a comprehensive review process. This ‍important work will seek to enhance the educational⁤ experience​ and ensure​ meaningful learning and achievement ‍in senior ​cycle for all learners.


Teachers need training​ in AI

The principals in attendance at Croke Park ⁢seemed ​largely in favor of the reforms, at​ least all who spoke to ⁢RTÉ News were. “I sat my ‍Leaving Cert over 30 years ago and​ we⁢ can’t expect children today to be sitting the ⁢same exams,”‍ said Regina Anderson, Principal of St Louis Community School in⁣ kiltimagh, Co Mayo. “It is⁤ badly‌ needed and the time is right,” said Audrey Carty of Mount Carmel Secondary School in‌ Co dublin. But ‍these ‍school principals and ⁣others also‌ express some level of concern or ⁣worry.⁣ Articulating​ what is the most⁤ common‌ concern, Ms. Anderson said “teachers need training.”

Here’s a revised⁤ version of the⁢ essay with⁢ improved structure, ‌clarity, and conciseness:

The recent shift towards more practical assessment in the Irish education system has sparked‍ a range of reactions, from ‌optimism to apprehension. At the ​heart of this change is the ‌desire ⁣for students to‍ take ownership of their ⁤work and for teachers to set clear expectations from the outset, as emphasized by Diane Birnie, Principal of Lucan Community College.

This shift is not entirely novel,with around 29 subjects ⁣already incorporating practical assessment. ⁢However, ⁣it represents a meaningful departure for core​ subjects that have traditionally relied solely on written exams. While many schools‍ already ⁤excel in this area, there is an opportunity to share and build on this good practice.

The integration of ‍technology and,more specifically,AI has raised⁣ concerns among teachers. Michael Gillespie, General‌ Secretary of the Teachers⁢ Union of Ireland, has expressed worries about the‍ lack of proper resources and the potential for AI to create unfair⁢ advantages. Minister ​McEntee acknowledged these challenges but emphasized the need to adapt and equip teachers​ adequately.

The Leaving Certificate is ‌renowned for its integrity and ⁤respect, both domestically‌ and ⁢internationally.The nervousness among principals is ⁣palpable,as they question whether⁣ the​ new ​reformed senior cycle and Leaving Certificate can live up to this reputation and be fairer and better.

while⁢ the ⁤shift towards practical assessment holds promise, it ‍also presents challenges, particularly regarding the integration of AI and ensuring fairness. The success of this reform ⁣will depend on adequate resources,teacher training,and a ‌shared commitment to maintaining the integrity‌ of‌ the Irish education system.

This ⁢revised version maintains⁣ the⁢ key points ⁣from the original text while improving the flow and‍ coherence of the ​essay. It ⁢also provides a⁤ clear conclusion that ⁤summarizes the main arguments and their implications.

The Art of Journalistic Writing: Tips for Effective News​ Reporting

In ⁢the dynamic world of⁢ journalism, the ability to craft compelling news stories is a skill⁢ that sets professionals apart. Whether you aspire to become‍ a journalist, news ‌reporter, or content creator, having a solid foundation in journalistic writing‌ is essential. this‍ article delves into the key elements of journalistic writing and provides valuable tips⁣ to enhance your news reporting skills.

Understanding ⁤the News

The first step in effective news reporting⁣ is understanding the news ⁢itself. This involves identifying ‍the key facts, figures, and context surrounding ⁣the story. according to a guide from Southern⁤ Connecticut State University, a well-structured news article typically includes a lead sentence,⁤ an introduction, and an opening​ quotation [1[1[1[1].​ The lead sentence should grab ⁣the reader’s​ attention promptly,while the introduction provides essential background information.

Crafting the​ Lead Sentence

The lead sentence, frequently enough referred to as the “hook,” is crucial for engaging readers. It​ should be concise yet impactful, setting the tone ‍for the entire ⁤article. As noted by Yellowbrick, a strong lead sentence can make or break a‌ story ⁢ [2[2[2[2].⁣ For⁤ instance, a lead sentence might start with a surprising fact or a compelling question to draw the reader in.

The Importance of⁣ Introduction

The introduction follows the lead sentence and provides more‌ context. ⁢It should include key ⁢details such as where⁢ and when the ⁣story is happening. This helps⁢ readers understand the significance of the event or issue being reported.⁢ According to Writers Digest, a well-crafted ​introduction can set the stage for the rest of the article, making it easier for readers to follow along [3[3[3[3].

Opening⁤ Quotation

an opening quotation ⁤can⁣ add depth‍ and authenticity to a news story. It provides a sense of the people involved and their perspectives.Quotations can ⁤humanize the story, making it ⁣more ​relatable to readers.⁢ As mentioned⁤ in the⁢ Southern ⁤Connecticut State University guide, a good⁤ quotation can enhance the narrative and provide insight into the subject matter [1[1[1[1].

Tips for ‍Effective News Reporting

  1. Understand the News: Before writing, ensure you have a comprehensive understanding of the story. ⁣This includes gathering⁣ facts, ⁣figures,⁢ and context.
  2. Craft a Compelling Lead Sentence: ​The ‌lead sentence should ⁢grab the ⁢reader’s attention and set the tone for the​ article.
  3. Provide ⁣Context in​ the Introduction: The introduction should ‌include essential details such as where and when​ the story is happening.
  4. Use⁤ Opening Quotations: Quotations can add depth and authenticity to the ⁤story, providing insight into the perspectives of those involved.

Summary Table

| Key Element ​ | description ‌ ⁤ ‌ ⁤ ⁢ ⁣ ⁢ ‍ |
| Lead⁢ Sentence ​ ​ | Grabs the reader’s attention and sets the tone for⁤ the article. ⁤ ⁣ |
| ​Introduction ​ | Provides essential background information ​and ‍context. ‍ ⁣⁢ ⁢ ⁣ ⁢ ​ ⁤ |
|‌ Opening Quotation| Adds depth and authenticity, providing insight into the perspectives of‌ those involved. ‌|


Effective news‌ reporting ⁤requires a ⁢combination of understanding the news, crafting compelling leads, providing context, and using quotations to enhance the ​narrative. By following ​these⁢ tips, you can improve your news reporting ⁣skills and ⁤create​ engaging, ⁣well-researched articles ​that ‍resonate with readers.

For more insights into journalistic writing, visit the resources provided​ by Southern Connecticut ‍State University, Yellowbrick, and Writers Digest. ​Enhance your skills and stay⁤ informed with the ‌latest trends and best practices in journalism.

Call to‍ Action:⁤ Ready to‌ elevate your journalism skills? Explore the ⁢comprehensive guides ⁢and tips from the experts‌ at Southern Connecticut State University, ​Yellowbrick, and Writers Digest to become a master of journalistic writing.

Interview with Diane Birnie and Michael Gillespie on the Shift ⁢to Practical Assessment in​ Irish⁢ Education

Q: What are⁤ the main drivers behind the recent shift towards more practical assessment ‍in⁣ the​ Irish ⁣education system?

Diane Birnie, ⁢Principal of Lucan Community College, highlights ‍the desire for students to take ownership of their work and⁤ for teachers to set clear⁣ expectations from the outset.

Q: How meaningful is this shift, especially for subjects that have traditionally relied on written exams?

While around 29 subjects already incorporate practical assessment, this ‌shift⁣ represents a meaningful departure⁤ for core subjects that have ‌traditionally ⁤relied⁣ solely on written exams. Many schools already ⁢excel in ⁣this area,presenting‍ an chance to share and build⁤ on this good practice.

Q: What concerns have been‌ raised by‍ teachers regarding the⁢ integration of technology and AI in assessments?

Michael Gillespie, General Secretary of the‍ Teachers Union of Ireland, has expressed worries ⁤about the lack of ⁣proper resources and⁤ the potential for ‌AI to create ⁤unfair advantages.

Q: ​How does the Ministry of Education plan to address​ these challenges?

‌ ⁢ ‍Minister McEntee acknowledged these‌ challenges but emphasized the need to adapt ⁢and equip teachers adequately.

Q: What is the impact‌ of these changes on the integrity​ and respect of the Leaving Certificate?

⁤ The Leaving Certificate is renowned for its⁤ integrity and respect, both ‌domestically and internationally.The ⁢nervousness among‍ principals is palpable as they question whether the new reformed senior cycle and narrative will maintain ​this standing.

Q:⁤ What tips can you‌ provide‌ for improving ⁤news reporting skills?

⁣ by following these tips, you can improve your news reporting skills and ‍create engaging,​ well-researched articles that resonate ‌with readers. For more insights ⁢into journalistic writing, ⁤visit the resources provided ​by Southern Connecticut State⁤ University, ⁣ Yellowbrick,​ and Writers Digest.

Q: How ‍can educators and journalists⁢ stay informed ⁣with the latest trends⁣ and best practices in journalism?

⁤ ⁢⁤ By ⁣exploring the extensive guides and tips from the experts​ at ⁣Southern Connecticut State University,⁢ Yellowbrick, and Writers Digest, you can⁢ enhance your skills and stay informed with ​the latest trends and best practices in journalism.

Q: Ready to elevate your journalism skills?

⁢ ‌ Ready to elevate your journalism skills? Explore the comprehensive guides and tips from‌ the experts at Southern‍ Connecticut State University, ‍Yellowbrick, and Writers Digest ‍to become ⁤a master of journalistic writing.

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