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Teachers’ Day 2024: a gift, who has the day off, when is it?

Teachers’ Day 2024: a gift, who has the day off, when is it? Can teachers accept gifts on Teacher’s Day? Who is entitled to time off for this day? What is Teacher’s Day in 2024?

Teachers’ Day, officially called National Education Day, falls on the anniversary of the establishment of the National Education Commission. It is considered a holiday for all education workers.

Teachers’ Day 2024: when is it?

Teacher’s Day is celebrated on October 14. This year it falls on a Monday. Article 74 of the Teacher’s Charter states that he is free from classes. Does this mean that schools will be closed that day?

Teachers’ Day 2024: who has the day off

In response to an interpellation by MP Jan Rokita on March 23, 2004 regarding the National Education Day, the then Minister of National Education and Sports, Krystyna Łybacka, replied that in accordance with Art. 74 Teacher Cards, the teacher is exempted only from teaching classes. “Consequently, the fact that National Education Day is a holiday of education workers is unrelated to working time,” she added in response. She reminded that the teacher is obliged – in addition to conducting teaching classes – to also implement, among others: activities and activities resulting from the school’s statutory tasks, including educational, care and upbringing activities that take into account the needs and interests of students.

However, it is worth remembering that in accordance with the regulation of the Minister of National Education of August 11, 2017 on the organization of the school year, the headmaster of a school or institution, after seeking the opinion of the school council or institution council, and if the council has not been appointed – the pedagogical council, and in the case of schools also the parents’ council and the student government, taking into account the local conditions and organizational possibilities of the school or facility, may, in a given school year, establish additional days off from teaching and educational activities. In primary schools it is 8 additional days offand in general secondary schools, technical schools, first- and second-cycle vocational schools, post-secondary schools and vocational training centers there is 10 additional days off. There are special schools preparing for work four days. Additional days off from teaching and educational activities may be scheduled, e.g. on days when eighth-grade, secondary school-leaving or vocational exams are held. They may also be scheduled on religious holidays that are not days off, as well as on other days if justified by the organization of the school’s or institution’s work or the needs of the local community. Information regarding additional days off – in accordance with the regulation – should be provided to students, parents and teachers September 30.

Teachers’ Day 2024: gift

In February this year standards for the protection of minors came into force. By August 15, 2024, all facilities serving children were obliged to implement them. They are a set of rules that help create a safe and friendly environment in schools, kindergartens and other institutions serving children. The guidelines on standards refer to, among others: to teacher-student relationships and whether teachers can accept gifts from children and their parents. The Empowering Children Foundation dispelled the doubts raised by the guidelines of the Ministry of Justice regarding gifts. Their handbook states that you cannot accept money or gifts from a child or their parents/guardians, but this does not apply to occasional gifts related to holidays during the school year. This includes, among others: for flowers, contribution gifts or small gifts.

Continuation of the material below the video

ACT of January 26, 1982 Teacher’s Card (Journal of Laws 2024.986 i.e.)

Regulation of the Minister of National Education of August 11, 2017 on the organization of the school year (Journal of Laws of 2023, item 1211)

Act of May 13, 2016 on counteracting threats of sexual crime and protection of minors – (Journal of Laws of 2024, item 560)

Act of July 28, 2023 amending the Act – Family and Guardianship Code and certain other acts

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