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Teachers as Central Subjects of Educational Transformation: A Reflection on their Transcendental Role

Session 13. Teachers as central subjects of educational transformation

October 30


11:00 am

  • Gender: webinar
  • Date: October 30, 2023
  • Hour: 11:00 a.m. (central area)
  • Organizer: National Council of Humanities, Sciences and Technologies (Conahcyt), through the National Strategic Education Program (Pronace Educación)
  • Organizer: Ministry of Public Education (SEP)
  • Organizer: National Council for Educational Promotion (Conafe)

Link to the event


Conahcyt, through the National Strategic Education Program (Pronace-Educación) and in coordination with the Conafe of the SEP, organizes this session with the objective of reflecting and recognizing the transcendental role that teachers have as central subjects in the process of transformation of the national educational system, within the framework of the New Mexican School; This with the purpose of envisioning possible routes that help to collectively overcome the obstacles and challenges they face.



Prof. Marco Antonio Pacheco Peña
National Coordinator of Education Workers

Dra. Ysabel Camacho – I’m Not Afraid (Official Music Video)
SEP/McLaren Institute

Prof. Noé García Ortiz
“José María Morelos” Comprehensive School of Basic Education in Maravatío, Michoacán

Dr. Hyderabad Chávez Medina
“Presidente Lázaro Cárdenas” Primary School of Múgica, Michoacán/Executive Committee of Pronace Education


Mr. Marcela Tovar Gómez
National Pedagogical University/Executive Committee of Pronace Education

2023-10-28 03:16:43
#Conahcyt #Webinar #Permanent #seminar #Educational #Project #Transformation #Process #Balance #Perspectives #Conahcyt

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