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Teachers and Staff at Paul Vallon College in Givors on Strike for REP Classification and Improved Resources

Many teachers and staff at Paul Vallon college, in Givors (Rhône), will be on strike today, Tuesday January 9. They ask the rectorate to classify their school as a priority education network (REP) and thus obtain more resources.

This Tuesday, January 9, at 7:30 a.m., the striking teachers and staff of the Paul Vallon college, in Givors, will gather in front of the gates of the school. They demand the classification of the college in REP (priority education network) for the start of the 2024 school year, following the deterioration of their working conditions.

When REP status was created in 2015, Paul Vallon college did not benefit from this classification. It is for this reason that today, teachers are asking that “this injustice be repaired”. According to Pierre Rossi, professor of history and geography and spokesperson for the establishment’s union section, working conditions have deteriorated over the past ten years. “Last year, a third grade class was eliminated. Our students, who often encounter academic difficulties, sometimes find themselves with more than 30 per class. These are not good working conditions, especially for a pivotal year like the third where there is the certificate and the passage to second”.

The lack of medico-social staff is also a major problem: “Our students may be confronted with domestic violence. If we were in REP, we could have access to a full-time medical-social center, which could respond to health problems”confides Pierre Rossi.

These deteriorations lead some parents to enroll their children in private establishments. A situation which greatly reduces social diversity within the college: “More than 60% of our students come from so-called disadvantaged backgrounds and 50% are on scholarships, we have all the criteria to be classified in REP”.

Around 9 a.m., the teachers and staff of the Rhone college will head towards the town hall of Givors. “Our college is out of the way, we are completely isolated, so we want to make our voice heard in the city center”says the trade unionist.

2024-01-09 07:48:45
#strike #college #Lyon

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