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Teacher Shortage Persists in Lower Saxony Ahead of New School Year

Hanover (dpa / lni) – A few days before the start of the new school year, hundreds of teachers are still missing in Lower Saxony. As reported by the Ministry of Education in Hanover, only 1,419 of the 1,748 positions advertised have been filled. However, it is gratifying that significantly more teachers were hired than left the schools at the same time. There are around 70,000 full-time teachers at general schools across the country. However, the number of lessons was recently at its lowest level since data collection began 20 years ago. According to the GEW union, around 7,500 more teachers would be needed.

In order to counteract the staff shortage that has persisted for years, the state government is particularly relying on lateral entrants. A year ago, Lower Saxony made it easier for career changers to be hired if they could present certain professional experience or a recommendation from the headmaster. Temporary positions have also been opened up to applicants with technical college training or a master’s degree instead of a university degree.

When asked about the measures to improve the situation, the ministry also refers to the increase in salaries for teachers who teach at primary, secondary and secondary schools planned for 2024/25. This is intended to make school work more attractive. In addition, additional school staff should relieve the teachers, for example for IT or administration, according to the ministry.

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2023-08-12 09:16:45
#shortage #teachers #country #relies #career #changers

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