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TD Jakes Messages: Navigating the New Energies and Dimensions

New energies bathe the planet, introduce us to new dimensions and new information is transmitted to us to navigate the journey of the new life. Here are answers from TD Jakes, lightworker and messenger from the higher realms.

read HERE are the messages from the previous days, up-to-date at any time!

Here’s the message of the day for your clarity from TD Jakes

People who haven’t been through suffering aren’t in touch with their emotions in a deep way, they can’t express what they feel, they don’t really know what compassion is, they don’t know what empathy is.

It is dangerous to put power in the hands of people who do not know what compassion is, that they do not know what empathy is.

There’s something profound about being able to walk into a room with people who are crying because they’re in so much pain and you’re able to cry with them. More than anything, the fact that you are so moved that you cry with them makes those people feel close to you, they feel understood – it touches their hearts. (TD Jakes)

Humanity is going through unprecedented times. We are in the midst of a process of change through which we detach ourselves from a world as we have always known it and a new world is being built under our eyes in which our functioning will be from the space and energy of the heart and less of the mind. If you live in these times on Earth, it means that your soul has chosen to participate in this unique phenomenon by which the vibration of the planet increases and automatically everything changes – actions, behaviors, patterns, thoughts, emotions. All must be of a higher vibration, compatible with that of the light codes that have bathed the Earth for at least 2 years now. Why have many experienced and are experiencing profound existential crises on a personal, professional, relational, and identity level? Why do many of us feel lost, without direction, while others travel the road with ease? This daily article aims to bring answers and a bit more clarity – as much as we have access to at the moment.


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Article date: 23/11/2023

2023-11-23 19:53:16
#message #day #vibration #clarity #transformative #energies #Friday #November #Sfatulparintilor.ro

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