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Taxi Project and Vosseler Abogados announce patrimonial claims against administrations

Taxi Project together with Vosseler Abogados announce that they will execute a series of patrimonial claims against the different administrations in the face of the Covid19 crisis

Cover courtesy of 404 Popular Communication

Through an official statement from the taxi drivers association, Taxi Project will proceed together with the Vosseler Abogados office, to undertake a series of legal actions against the different local, regional or even state administrations to claim the possible patrimonial damages that have been been able to produce public officials for their actions, measures or the lack of them to the activity of the taxi within the Covid crisis19.

A series of actions explained live by Sergio Santamaría, from the Vosseler Abogados team this past Monday, December 14, in the Elite Taxi Wasp’s Nest program and that we leave you below:

And finally, according to the Taxi Project in its statement, those interested can register in a space set up for the occasion of Vosseler Abogados that we also leave below.

“The Vosseler Abogados team will advise and inform you within a maximum period of 48 hours of the viability of your specific case.”

Affected Pandemic – Vosseler Abogados

From Todo Taxi we will be very attentive to the evolution of this procedure, given its vital importance for the future of the sector that is suffering so much during this crisis.

Taxi Project and Vosseler Abogados announce patrimonial claims against administrations

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