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Tax return 2021: PDF GUIDE – When to do, due, pre-filled and all INSTRUCTIONS

What is the tax return with 730 for 2021 and when? The 730 is the form for the tax return dedicated to employees and retirees. The 730 model has several advantages. Mainly, the taxpayer does not have to perform calculations and obtains the refund of the tax directly in the pay slip or in the pension installment, starting from the month of July (for pensioners starting from the month of August or September); if, on the other hand, he has to pay sums, these are deducted from the salary (starting from the month of July) or from the pension (starting from the month of August or September) directly in the pay slip.

Pre-filled declaration 2021 – Furthermore, the Revenue Agency makes available, in a specific area of ​​its website, the 730 already pre-filled, which can be accessed using the PIN code of the telematic services (Fisconline) or a SPID (Public Digital Identity System) or CIE (electronic identity card) identity or also using the dispositive credentials issued by INPS or a national card services.

Who has to do the 730 in 2021?

Model 730 must be presented by taxpayers than in 2021 are: pensioners or employees (including Italian workers that they work abroad for which the income is determined on the basis of the conventional salary defined annually with a specific ministerial decree).

Download the Instructions for compilation – pdf

Individuals submit their income tax return using the INCOME PF model or the 730 model, depending on the type of income possessed.

I employees and retirees who have income from employment, pension and some other income can present the 730 form spouses may submit form 730 jointly.

All other subjects and taxpayers who are not fiscally resident in Italy in the tax year and / or in the year of submission of the income tax return, they present the PF INCOME form.

How the tax return is presented (Income form PF or 730)

The Revenue Agency provides taxpayers with the forms and instructions for completing PF and 730 Income. For those who use the PF Income model, the software RedditiOnLine Pf, which allows the compilation of the model, the creation of the file to be sent electronically through the online services of the Revenue Agency and the generation of the F24 payment model.

Pre-filled tax return

To simplify the fulfillment of the annual income tax return, the Inland Revenue also makes available to taxpayers the 730 form and the pre-filled Individual Income Form, which contain, that is, various data already entered automatically, including deductions for expenses. health care, university expenses, expenses for insurance premiums, social security contributions, transfers for building renovation and energy requalification interventions.

The pre-filled tax return is a free online service that can be accessed with

  • * credentials of the Public Digital Identity System (Spid)
  • * credentials of the telematic services of the Revenue Agency (Fisconline / Entratel)
  • * Electronic Identity Card (CIE)
  • * National Service Charter (CNS).

Within the service it is possible to view, modify and / or supplement your declaration and finally send it to the Agency. Once sent, the declaration with the sending protocol remains viewable and downloadable within your authenticated area.

All the steps to follow to access and use the pre-filled declaration are illustrated on the website of information and assistance “Infoprecompilata”.

When filing the tax return

The tax return must be submitted every year within the following deadlines:

  • * Model 730 by September 30th, directly online or by contacting Tax Assistance Centers (Cafs), qualified professionals or the withholding agent (i.e. your employer)
  • * The PF Income model by November 30th, online or by contacting Tax Assistance Centers (Caf), qualified professionals.

Non-resident natural persons who are abroad at the time of submitting the return can send the return by 30 November by registered letter or other equivalent means.

Download the Instructions for compilation – pdf

Last updated: 02/24/2021

Download the Instructions for compilation – pdf

All Declarations on the Revenue Agency website

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